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Tertia bites her lip. "Seline..." She pauses. "Never mind."
[[(set: $difficulty to (10 - $data's likesT/6))(set: $skill_name to "Charm")(display: "makeDice"): "What is it?" ->whatTertia]]
[["Okay. Let me know if Rain's condition changes." ->goTertiaAndreas]]Tertia sits by the riverbank, her bandaged hands stroking Rain's. Since you left the fog, he's been quiet, pacified by the constant supply of the soothing drug. But you feel uneasy. His moments of consciousness seem fewer than before, and even when his eyes open, you feel he looks upon another world.
(set: $data's likesT to it + 1)
The handmaiden looks up as you approach, her brow crinkled with worry. "Seline, he's slipping away. I can feel it."
[["Don't worry. Andreas and Frog are working on the cure right now. He'll be better in no time!" ->dontWorryTertia]]
[["Yeah. I've been thinking the same thing. Even if Frog is right about that remedy, I'm not sure we'll be in time." ->noTimeTertia]] Tertia smiles weakly. "I hope you're right."
(set: $data's likesT to it + 1)
(display: "dabTears")Tears fill Tertia's grey eyes. "I can't believe it," she murmurs. "After everything we went through... he can't die like this!"
(display: "dabTears")Tertia pales around the nostrils. She nods. "Yes. Although, I don't think there's much else to be done. (if: (history:) contains "helpTertia")[I just try to keep him quiet, and when that fails, I give him a drop of sap."](else:)[I guess he just needs to rest."]
Silence falls.
[["Okay. I guess I'll go check on the fire." ->helpWithRemedy]]
[["How are your hands?" ->howHands]]
[["Tertia, I've thought a lot about what you did. At first, I was furious, of course. You betrayed my trust. But ultimately, you *were* trying to protect me. And even knowing that I hated you, you still came to save me. So I guess... it's okay. I'm not saying I forgive you. I don't know if I can *ever* forgive you. But I don't feel mad at you any more." ->notMad]]She nods. "I understand. Seline... I wish I could say I'm sorry. I've missed you terribly. I never meant for things to happen the way they did. I feel like everything was my fault. You getting kidnapped, Rain getting blamed... none of it would have happened if I'd kept my mouth shut. But then I think back, and I remember how I felt at the time, and I *can't* feel it was the wrong choice."
[["It was the right choice for you." ->rightChoiceForTertia]]
[["I get it. You were trying to protect me. Don't worry about it." ->understandTertia]]Her eyes widen. "Seline, *of course* I want you here. You're my dearest friend. I... I would have died in that dungeon, I'm sure of it. I've never been so afraid! You saved my life, even after I... Oh, Seline, the way you looked at me at Stelgarte - it tore my heart out. When I heard you were kidnapped, I blamed myself, you know. And then your father persecuting Rain - I felt horrible. Like it was all my fault! And yet I couldn't..."
(set: $data's likesT to it + 3)
She trails off.
[["Couldn't what?" ->couldntWhat]]
[[Wait for her to speak. ->couldntWhat]]She dabs her tears away. "Seline... you don't have to be here with me. If it makes you uncomfortable, I mean." (set: $tert to 1)
[["Let's just do what we can for Rain. We can agree on that, at least." ->agreeOnRainTertia]]
[["It doesn't. Tertia, I've thought a lot about what you did. At first, I was furious, of course. You betrayed my trust. But ultimately, you *were* trying to protect me. And even knowing that I hated you, you still came to save me. So I guess... it's okay. I'm not saying I forgive you. But I don't feel mad at you any more." ->notMad]]
[["Tertia, I *want* to be here. If it's okay with you, I mean." ->wantToBeHereTertia]]"Andreas cleaned and bandaged them for me. But they still hurt, and the wounds smell foul."
(set: $data's likesT to it + 1)
[["Give it time. You just need a good rest." ->soundsBad]]
[["We need to get you to a healer." ->needHealer]]She nods. "I'm afraid so, yes. Seline, will you ever forgive me?"
[["I already did." ->forgiveTertia]]
[["Honestly... I don't know. I appreciate that you meant well. And I miss you too. So I'm willing to give you a chance. But you must understand, as future Queen I need people around me I can trust. That means I need you to promise to respect my decisions, even if you don't agree with them." ->mustRespectChoices]]
[["Forgive? Tertia, you haven't apologized. You've told me that you would do the same thing over. Remember, I am the future Queen. I need people close to me I can trust. Not people who second-guess my decisions. So as long as you stand by your choice, there's no way we can be friends." ->notForgive]]Tertia remains silent, avoiding your eyes. She strokes Rain's hand, though he is unresponsive.
At last she looks up at you, eyes brimming with fresh tears. "Seline... I wish I could say I'm sorry. All these terrible things... I know none of it would have happened if I'd kept my mouth shut. But then I think back, and I remember how I felt at the time, and I *can't* feel it was the wrong choice."
[["It was the right choice for you." ->rightChoiceForTertia]]
[["I understand. You were trying to protect me. Don't worry about it." ->understandTertia]]She nods, unhappily.
[["It's okay, really. You were only following your heart and your conscience. How could I hold that against you?" ->forgiveTertia]]
[["Tertia, I know you had only the best intentions. And I miss you too. So I'm willing to give you a chance. But you must understand, as future Queen I need people around me I can trust. That means I need you to promise to respect my decisions, even if you don't agree with them." ->mustRespectChoices]]"But that's just it!" Tertia cries. "How can you respect someone's choices when they're clearly *bad* choices? Look at Rain. You know I respect him more than anyone, don't you? But right now, if we let him, he'd drink that foul stuff until he dies. We can't respect that choice! And that's how I felt when you were running off at night. The Crown has so many enemies, Seline. I know you thought you were being sneaky, but *everybody* knew it was you. One face in the crowd, one arrow, one hand to slip nightshade in your wine -- that's all it would have taken. And then the kingdom would have been without an heir... and I would have lost my -- my best friend."
(set: $data's will to it + 2)
She looks up at you, still weeping.
[["I guess you have a point. But you know, next time you feel this way, you need to *talk to me*. Not just go ahead and blab to my dad. I admit I'm not always sensible, but I'm not a drug addict. I promise I'll think carefully about what you say. And *then* you need to respect my decision, even if you don't agree. Okay?" ->setBoundariesTertia]]
[["You lost me anyway, Tertia. But that was through your actions, not mine. Rationalize it how you like, if you can't trust your friends, they're not really friends. And I know now that I can't ever trust you." ->notForgive]] Tertia bursts into tears all over again, sobbing so noisily that Rain stirs. Seeing her expression, tears bulge in his eyes as well. Tertia pats his hands, smiling through her tears.
(set: $data's likesT to it + 3)
"Seline," she mumbles. "You're so good to me! I only wish I deserved such kindness."
[["Tertia, you do deserve it! You risked your life to save me. You've always cared for me and protected me. We might not always agree, but I know your heart was always in the right place." ->heartRightPlace]]
[["Of course you do! Now, how are your hands?" ->howHands]]Tertia flinches. Her voice is low and dead-sounding. "I understand. You're right, it doesn't make sense to think things could ever be the same again."
Silence lengthens between you.
[["Okay. I guess I'll go check on the fire." ->helpWithRemedy]]
[["How are your hands?" ->howHands]]Tertia shakes her head. "I don't want to delay you. I've already caused enough problems."
(set: $data's likesT to it + 1)
[["Don't be silly. You can't let things fester." ->soundsBad]]
[["Well, dying of gangrene won't fix anything." ->dyingWontHelp]]"It's okay. We'll be home soon, won't we?" Tertia sounds hopeful.
The question chills you. What *are* you going to do with Tertia? Ever since you were trapped in Greyshard, you've been living moment to moment, striving only to get your friends out alive.
A pang of homesickness hits you, but the feeling is mingled with anxiety. You can't take Rain back to Stelgarte. Clearly, he must flee to his grandfather in Saragai. But what about you? You'd counted on Rain vouching for you, but will he be able to? And even if he can, should you trust Saragai's king?
Plus, now you have Tertia to worry about. Should you take her to Saragai in the face of such uncertainty? Or try to send her home alone?
(if: (history:) contains "helpAndreas")[[["I'm sure we will. We just need to figure out how."->helpWithRemedy]]](else:)[[["Of course. Actually, I had better talk with Andreas about that." ->helpWithRemedy]]]
[["I hope so." ->didntKnowTertia]]Tertia's eyes again fill with tears. "I'm sorry," she murmurs. "I shouldn't have come after you. I only wanted to help."
[["Don't be so hard on yourself. You didn't know how things would turn out." ->didntKnowTertia]]
[["What's done is done. Let's focus on the future." ->didntKnowTertia]]This provokes a fresh burst of tears. It's surprising she has any left.
You hug her gently, and eventually the sobbing subsides.
(if: (history:) contains "helpAndreas")[[["It's okay, Tertia. Really."->helpWithRemedy]]](else:)[[["I guess I should go check if Andreas and Frog need any help." ->helpWithRemedy]]]
[["How are your hands?" ->howHands]]She nods, still snivelling. "I'll try."(set: $data's likesT to it + 1)
(set: $data's will to it + 2)
[["Thank you. And I promise, I'll try to listen, even when it's difficult. Now, how are your hands?" ->howHands]]
[["Okay. Thanks. I'd better go check on the fire." ->helpWithRemedy]] The men are squatting by the fire. Frog has borrowed a mismatched assortment of clothes. Short leggings from Norvidge, and a billowing shirt of Grimvold's; its wide neck hangs low, emphasizing his tanned chest and broad shoulders. (set: $andreas to 1)(set: $canundo to true)
As you approach, they rise. Frog offers you a slight, fluid bow. It's the gesture of an equal. Andreas glances sidelong at Frog, then bows more deeply, though with an air of sarcasm. Grimvold merely nods.
You stare at Frog and Andreas, struck by a peculiar mix of similarities and contrasts. Both are tall, lean men -- Andreas slightly more so. But whereas Andreas, scarred and grim, radiates the restless hunger of an unfed wildcat, Frog, even badly dressed, looks polished and sleek as a young lion. Andreas's complexion and features seem hard as beaten bronze, but Frog's glossy auburn mane blends with his golden skin, giving him an almost surreal look of statuesque perfection. They are nothing alike.
And yet, something in the angle of the eyes -- or is it the shape of the nose? You blink. There's no similarity between them. How could you think there was?
"Highness," says Frog. "The potion is almost ready."
[["Are you sure it will work?" ->sureWork]]
[["Thank you, *Your Highness*." ->thankYourHighnessFrog]]
[["Thank you." ->thankFrog]](display: "dice")(set: $data's charm to it + 1)
(if: $success is true)[(if: $andreas is 3)[(display: "conv2Tertia")](else:)["Nothing." Tertia blushes bright pink, avoiding your eyes.
(set: $data's likesT to it + 1)
She's a terrible liar. As you stare at her, she crumbles. Her lower lip trembles and her eyes grow wide. At last, she looks up at you pleadingly.
"It's just..." Another pause. "Be careful, won't you?"
[["Careful? What do you mean?" ->carefulHow]]
[["I'm always careful. Don't worry." ->goTertiaAndreas]]]](else:)[(if: $andreas is 3)[(display: "conv2Tertia")](else:)["Nothing." She blushes bright pink, avoiding your eyes.
(display: "goTertiaAndreas")]]"With Andreas. He's not... safe. I don't think you can trust him."
(set: $data's likesT to it + 1)
[["Why not?" ->notSafeAndreas]]
[["Riiiiight. *You're* telling me who I can trust now? Pot, meet kettle." ->callAGlazier]]She looks uncomfortable. "It's just, he's so... well, I don't know how to say it. He's bitter and... harsh. He doesn't respect the throne. I'm not sure there's anything he respects. And the way you look at him, Seline... I know you."
(set: $data's likesT to it + 1)
[["Point taken. Now, if you'll excuse me..." ->goTertiaAndreas]]
[["I don't think you understand him. He's had a difficult life, and he's known great cruelty at the hands of the nobility. But he's loyal to those he cares for. I'd trust him over any of my father's courtiers." ->explainAndreas]]
[["What do you mean, the way I look at him? How dare you!" ->theWayYouLook]]Tertia bites her lip. "I guess I deserved that. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything. You know best."
[["Indeed. Now, if you'll excuse me..." ->goTertiaAndreas]]
[["No, you did the right thing in being honest with me. I appreciate your thoughts, Tertia, even if I don't agree with them." ->thankTertia]]You feel Tertia's gaze follow you as you make your way over to the campfire. (if: $andreas is 3)[(display: "convEndNoCliff")](elseif: $andreas is 2)[(display: "connectAGrump")](elseif: $andreas is 1)[(display: "helpAndreas")](else:)[(display: "talkFrogAndreas")]Tertia casts down her eyes. "Of course you know best, Seline. I shouldn't have said anything."
(set: $data's likesT to it + 1)
[["Indeed. Now, if you'll excuse me..." ->goTertiaAndreas]]
[["No, you did the right thing in being honest with me. I appreciate your thoughts, Tertia, even if I don't agree with them." ->thankTertia]]She shrinks backward as if your words are a rain of blows. "Seline, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to imply... it's just, well, I can tell that you're, umm..."
You stare at her stonily.
She falters, and her voice comes out as a whispery, tentative squeak... "attracted?"
(if: $data's likesA < 30)[[["I most certainly am not!" ->explainAndreas]]](else:)[[[(set: $difficulty to (10 + $data's likesA/6))(set: $skill_name to "Deceive")(display: "makeDice"): "I most certainly am not!" ->explainAndreasLie]]]
[["Okay, you got me. He does have a certain *je ne sais quois*. But that doesn't mean I can't be objective!" ->yesAttracted]]Her lips turn upward in the ghost of a smile. "Thank *you*," she breathes.
(set: $data's likesT to it + 3)
You find no good reply to this. (display: "goTertiaAndreas")Tertia flinches, and her tone becomes pacifying. "No, of course not. I was just being silly. You know best, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have worried about it."
[["Indeed. Now, if you'll excuse me..." ->goTertiaAndreas]]
[["No, you did the right thing in being honest with me. I appreciate your thoughts, Tertia, even if I don't agree with them." ->thankTertia]]Tertia puts her hand over her mouth.
(set: $data's likesT to it + 1)(set: $data's likesA to it + 3)
At last she meets your eyes again. "I... I'm sorry, Seline. It's just that, well, I *can* see what you mean. Those shoulders..." She sighs. "But that doesn't mean it's a good idea! Please, be careful!"
[["Point taken. Now, if you'll excuse me..." ->goTertiaAndreas]]
[["I will. Tertia you did the right thing in being honest with me. Thank you. I appreciate your thoughts, even if I don't agree with them." ->thankTertia]]She merely sighs.
Silence falls.
[["I guess I'd better go." ->helpWithRemedy]]
[["Please tell me if I can help in any way." ->offerHelpTertia]]She nods. "Thanks. Seline..." She pauses. "Never mind."
[[(set: $difficulty to (10 - $data's likesT/6))(set: $skill_name to "Charm")(display: "makeDice"): "What is it?" ->whatTertia]]
[["Okay. Let me know if Rain's condition changes." ->goTertiaAndreas]]Andreas gives you a sharp look.
(set: $data's likesM to it + 1)
Frog smiles blandly. (display: "dontThankMe")He inclines his head. (display: "dontThankMe")Frog shakes his head, looking more serious. "No, Seline. If you believe that, you are mistaken. You merely gave your father an excuse; he would have found another if necessary. Men like him always do."
(set: $data's likesM to it + 1)
You frown. Frog is still almost a stranger; it's unsettling to hear him speak of such personal matters. But then you think of Prince; the russet dog was nearly always at your heels, listening. No wonder he understands your situation.
Then you recall certain other occasions the dog witnessed, and wince.
[["So, Frog. I believe you have some explaining to do." ->explainFrog]]
[["What happened to you all after we were separated? How did you escape from Greyshard?" ->howFindUs]]Frog laughs. "No! Well, and yes. I'm not a spy. But I *am* from Saragai, actually."
Indeed, it's hard to imagine anyone less spy-like. Frog seems no more capable of deviousness than his alter ego, Prince. *Or is that what he wants you to think?*
[["I see. Well, you have a lot of explaining to do." ->explainFrog]]
[["What happened to you all after we were separated? How did you escape from Greyshard?" ->howFindUs]](set: $data to StrayHeirs["datastore"])(set: $canundo to false)(set: $array_position to 1)(set: $randarray to (a:(random: 1,20),(random: 1,20),(random: 1,20),(random: 1,20),(random: 1,20),(random: 1,20),(random: 1,20),(random: 1,20),(random: 1,20),(random: 1,20),(random: 1,20),(random: 1,20)))
##Chapter 10
#On the Riverbank
|Recap>[(display: "recap")]
The forest sparkles under the azure sky of mid-afternoon. Warmth envelopes you. Despite your anxiety for Rain, your heart skips. How long has it been since you last felt the sun on your skin?
You lead the way downstream, until the little brook meets a serpentine river running tea-clear over round grey stones. Swamp-hens peer between the reeds, calling tremulously to their children, while a tall grey heron fixes you with one fierce eye.
As you cross a verdant meadow, Frog gives a cry of triumph. He clambers up the riverbank, holding a muddy bunch of red-veined water weeds, roots and all.
Norvidge grooms the horses and Grimvold builds a small fire, while Frog grind the roots to a paste between two stones. They boil the paste in Andreas's helm, producing a pungent steam.
Tertia sits by Rain, mopping his brow and speaking softly.
[[Talk with Andreas and Frog. ->talkFrogAndreas]]
[[Talk with Tertia. ->helpTertia]]Frog shakes his head. "Forgive me. I do not mean to be evasive. But the spell that binds me is not broken, and I must soon leave this body once more. So let me first administer this cure to my -- to Rain. After that... I swear I will return, as swiftly as I may, and you shall have your answers."
[["You mean you're going to turn back into a dog again?" ->turnBackDog]]
[["Wait! How *do* we break the spell, then?" ->howBreakSpell]]"Don't thank me, Your Highness. Or at least, let me thank you for the same thing. Rain's life means a great deal to me, and without you, he would be dead."
[["It was my fault he was in trouble at all." ->myFault]]
[["May I ask *why* Rain's life means so much to you?" ->whyRain]]Frog glances at Andreas, who replies: "In the darkness and confusion of battle, we did not at first realize that Nyora and her lackeys had arrived. By the time we understood, it was too late -- you and Rain had vanished. Nyora's men dispatched the last of the prison guards, then fled into the tunnels. We tracked her as far as the river, but had no boat to follow. I do not know how she could navigate the Darkvein with such confidence... Luckily, the castle was still in confusion, and it appears nobody had told the gate guards to detain us. So we slipped out and made our way toward the tunnel exits we knew of in the Twisted Forest. Then Prince -- err, Frog -- picked up your tracks."
Frog looks amused. "He forgot to mention the twenty minutes he spent by the Darkvein, cursing at Nyora. Your Andreas is quite an imaginative fellow, at least when it comes to imprecations."(set: $twenty to true)
Andreas shoots him a deadly look. "Isn't it time you transformed back into a dog?"
[["*My* Andreas?" ->myAndreas]]
[["Are you going to turn back into a dog again?" ->turnBackDog]]
[["I see. Now, Frog, I think it's your turn to explain yourself." ->explainFrog]]He nods, seeming reluctant to say more.
[["Well, I'm glad you can be human even for a little while, though I can't say I enjoy the lingering taste of dog saliva. Without you, Rain would be dead." ->gladFoundIt]]
[["But surely, there must be *some* way to break the spell forever!" ->howBreakSpell]]He avoids your eyes, poking at the fire with a stick. Gravely, he replies: "It is said that some spells dissipate when their caster dies."
[["*Okay*, I'll add that to the long list of things you're going to explain." ->longList]]
[["Did you just imply you're thinking of murdering someone?" ->murder]]He meets your eyes once more. You note the lines of tension in his forehead, the pulse throbbing as if he fights an internal battle. "I cannot stay - the transformation presses upon me. Let me try the remedy."
He spoons a few drops from the boiling pot onto a curled leaf, then blows gently until the steam clears. Tasting the brew, he grimaces. "It's ready."
Together, you carry the helm swathed in Andreas's cloak to where Rain and Tertia sit on the riverbank. Rain is leaning against Tertia's shoulders, eyes closed and chest heaving. His skin is pallid, tinged with grey.
Tears bulge in Tertia's eyes, and she gazes up at you imploringly. "Please, quickly! I fear we are too late already!"
Carefully, you drip the pungent brew upon Rain's cold lips. At first, he seems not to notice; then, reflexively, he licks.
His lips curl back; he moans and spits. Frog shakes his head. "He's in no state to understand; I fear we must compel him."
Andreas nods. Brutally efficient, he pins Rain's head against his chest and pinches Rain's nostrils until he gasps; Andreas's fingers instantly dig into his cheeks, preventing his mouth from closing. Tertia grips your arm with a pitiful squeak.
As you watch Andreas work, the hairs on your spine rise. There's no sign of sadism in his current actions, but you've never met anyone who seemed so straightforwardly *comfortable* with physical compulsion.
Frog seems neither surprised nor appalled, but pours the remedy slowly into Rain's upturned mouth, allowing him time to swallow. At last he nods to Andreas.
Released, Rain slumps forward, spitting and cursing. His speech is slurred to incoherency, but his pupils look normal. Tertia clutches at him.
[[Reach out to Rain. ->touchRain]]
[[Let Tertia take charge of him. ->letTertiaCare]]He winces. "I am sorry about that, Seline. I would never willingly impose myself upon anyone; I do what I can to serve the greater good, but some necessities..."
[["Couldn't you just lick Andreas or something? I mean, you're not even my dog!" ->lickAndreasNextTime]]
[["There must be some way to break the spell permanently!" ->howBreakSpell]]"Hey!" Andreas scowls at you, then turns to Frog with a menacing snarl. "Don't even think about it!"
Frog shrugs. "Sorry, Seline. I am certain it wouldn't work. Have you not read stories about princesses' kisses magically restoring enchanted princes to their true forms?"
[["That's ridiculous! Nobody in their right mind pays attention to old fairy tales!" ->oldFairyTales]]
[["Oh, not that royal blood thing again..." ->royalBlood]]
[["Enchanted princes, huh?" ->enchantedPrinces]]Frog shakes his head, smiling. "I admire your skepticism. But in Saragai, we are taught that old stories, no matter how absurd, often have a kernel of wisdom. In any case, I think we can all agree that the transformation was necessary. But for now..."
[["Wait! Frog, there must be some way to break the spell permanently." ->howBreakSpell]]
[[Say nothing. ->tryRemedy]]He looks sheepish. "Uh, yes, well. That's one of the things we need to talk about. Later."
(set: $data's likesM to it + 1)
[["Wait! Frog, there must be some way to break the spell permanently." ->howBreakSpell]]
[[Say nothing. ->tryRemedy]]"Merely a figure of speech, Your Highness." Frog shrugs, and his tone remains mild, but his amber eyes sparkle with mischief.
(set: $data's likesM to it + 1)
Andreas glares at both of you. "Now Frog, or whatever false name you choose to call yourself -- we are still waiting for your explanation."
(display: "explainFrog")Andreas, skinning the rabbit with the same casual efficiency he used when dosing Rain, flashes you a grin. (set: $andreas to 2)
You shiver, seeing the outlaw through your friends' eyes. Why *should* you trust this brutal, scarred man with his harsh voice and bitter words? Yes, he has helped you -- but is it really you he aims to help?
[[Smile back. ->smileAtAndreas]]
(if: $twenty is true)[[["Did you really stand on the riverbank swearing for twenty minutes?" ->reallySwear]]](else:)[[["How did you find us, Andreas?" ->howFindAndreas]]]
[["We need to plan our next move." ->planNextMove]]
[["Can we talk?" ->justTalk]]"Suit yourself." Andreas stalks back to the fire.
Tertia offers you a watery smile. "Seline, I... I don't know what else we can do for him. Do you think he'll be okay?"
(set: $data's likesT to it + 1)
[["I'm certain of it." ->reassureTertia]]
[["Only time will tell." ->dunnoTertia]]Tertia nods, but her brow remains furrowed. (if: $tert is 0)[(display: "dabTears")](else:)[(display: "conv2Tertia")]Slowly, Tertia nods. "I can hardly stand the waiting, Seline. And then I think, what if these are our last moments with him?" (if: $tert is 0)[(display: "dabTears")](else:)[(display: "conv2Tertia")]Then she looks up at you. "I... I'm glad we got to talk, Seline. I know things are, well, different now. After what I did." (set: $tert to 2)
(set: $data's likesT to it + 1)
[["I'm glad, too." ->gladToo]]
[["Do things have to be different?" ->haveToBeDifferent]]She nods, stroking Rain's hair. Softly, she adds: "I always wanted to protect him. Instead I almost killed him."
(set: $data's likesT to it + 1)
[["Don't beat yourself up. Your heart was always in the right place." ->dontBeatTertia]]
[["You're in love with him, aren't you?" ->loveRainTertia]]Tertia looks at you with reddened eyes. "Things are always different, Seline. Nothing stays the same. Even if everyone wants it to..."
[["Well, that's depressing." ->depressing]]
[["Change doesn't have to be bad though, does it?" ->notBadChange]]She sighs. "Seline, I'm not. I'm just trying to process what happened. Because I don't know... where do we go from here?"
(set: $data's likesT to it + 1)
[["Let's just take things one step at a time?" ->oneStepAtATime]]
[["You're in love with Rain, aren't you?" ->loveRainTertia]]For a long time, she says nothing. Then, slowly, she meets your eyes. "Seline..."
She pauses again, grey eyes crowded with unspoken words. "I don't know how to explain this. I... I do love Rain. Of course I do. I would marry him. But... it's not Rain I'm in love with."
[["Oh my goodness! Are telling me there's someone else? Wow. Tertia, you sneaky thing! You never gave the slightest sign..." ->sneakyTertia]]
[["Whoa. You're saying... Oh. My. Well, don't keep me in suspense. Who's the lucky guy?" ->luckyGuy]]He holds your gaze, and you sense a ripple of tension pass through his lean frame. Once again, you're captivated by that angular face with its crooked scar and darkly burning eyes.
(set: $data's likesA to it + 1)
As he stares at you, his smile softens into warmth, though its intensity is no less. "Highness," he murmurs. "How may I serve you?"
(if: $twenty is true)[[["Did you really stand on the riverbank swearing for twenty minutes?" ->reallySwear]]](else:)[[["How did you find us, Andreas?" ->howFindAndreas]]]
[["We need to plan our next move." ->planNextMove]] Tertia claps her hand over her mouth, turning pink. "Seline... I... I shouldn't have said anything. I can't ever marry that person -- please, don't ask me to talk about it any more. It's just, you know, I don't want you to feel like you're doing anything bad to me. If you marry Rain, I mean."
(set: $data's likesT to it + 1)
She stares at you earnestly, eyes wide.
[["Oh, come on, Tertia. Have I ever betrayed a secret of yours?" ->noSecrets]]
[["Tertia, you know I can keep a secret. You don't have to keep it all inside. Maybe talking about it would make you feel better. Maybe I can even help. I know you say you can't marry this guy, but I *am* the future queen."->luckyGuy]]Tertia lowers her eyes, blushing furiously. "It's not..." she mutters.
(display: "runAwayTertia")You dash after the weeping Tertia. She's not difficult to track. When you find her, she's standing alone by the river, gazing back into the misty forest. (display: "princeTertia")"I'm afraid it passed away," replies Andreas, "shortly after your friend Frog ripped out its spine with his teeth."
[["I'm sure you did everything you could to save it." ->triedToSaveIt]]
[["I meant, how's the *cooking* going?" ->howCooking]]"Naturally. Unfortunately, it was too far gone." (set: $data's likesA to it + 1)(display: "helpAndreas")"Oh! Well, I don't suppose you happen to have some goat cheese and sage about your person, do you?"
You shake your head.
He sighs. "Onions, pepper and brown sugar?"
You stare at him blankly.
"Perhaps a few parsnips and a bunch of cilantro?"
You snort.
"Then the rabbit is going to be, well, rabbity." (display: "helpAndreas")Andreas nods, and skewers the gutted rabbit on a stick. He jams two forked branches upright on either side of the fire, and hangs the makeshift spit between them. "What about him?"
[["This magical ritual that requires a princess's blood. Do you recall anything more about it?" ->magicBlood]]
[["He's not going to leave me alone, is he?" ->sorcererStillComing]]Andreas shrugs. "Does it matter? We were not told any details of the ritual, only that it requires one virgin of royal blood, undespoiled by man. He could be doing anything from brewing an elixir for gout to summoning the eight-headed demon Arghuile that births the Apocalypse."
Casually, Andreas strips off his shirt.(if: $AndreasGrumpy is 0)[ You feel your breath tighten. Dappled sunlight ripples on the curvature of his chest, the shoulders powerful as a young stallion's. He seems entirely unconscious of your gaze as he heads for the river.]
[["Seriously, Andreas? You were going to enable an evil sorcerer to bring on the Apocalypse, just because you were short of cash?" ->apocalypse]]
[["So, he was quite specific about needing a *virgin* for the ritual?" ->specificVirgin]]Andreas shakes his head. "The tales of the Sorcerer give little hint as to his character: he may be cruel or merciful; fair, vengeful, or capricious. But the storytellers agree that he pursues his chosen goals determinedly, and those who thwart him find his wrath ferocious."
You shiver in the afternoon's warmth.
[["Surely there must be some way to stop him!" ->stopHimSomehow]]
[["This magical ritual that requires a princess's blood. Do you recall anything more about it?" ->magicBlood]]"If there is, I do not know of it. We can only hope he loses interest after you and Rain are married."
[["This magical ritual that requires a princess's blood. Do you recall anything more about it?" ->magicBlood]]
[["So, was he specific about needing a *virgin* princess for this magical ritual?" ->specificVirgin]]He winces. "When you put it like that, it does sound a touch irresponsible. But the fact is, I always assumed we'd ransom you back to your father. It was Nyora who insisted we contact the Sorcerer."
[["So, he was quite specific about needing a virgin for the ritual?" ->specificVirgin]]
[["I see. Thanks for the info." ->thanksInfoAndreas]]"Yes, he was. Though, it's possible he just likes virgins. Personally, I've always found preferences like that slightly creepy." Andreas kneels on the riverbank, rinsing away rabbit remnants in the clear stream.
Blood-trails curl away from his fingers like smoke.
[["So... assuming he specifically needs a virgin for the ritual, there might be a simple way to dispel his interest." ->stopVirgin]]
[["I see. Thanks for the info." ->thanksInfoAndreas]]He looks at you sharply. "Possibly."
(set: $data's likesA to $data's likesA + 1)
His stare continues, mercilessly hard. "That sounds like something you ought to discuss with your future husband."
Droplets glint on his bare arms, limning the musculature with liquid light.(if: $data's likesA > 10)[ You can almost taste them.]
[["You're right. Thanks for the suggestion." ->thanksInfoAndreas]]
[[(set: $difficulty to (20 - $data's likesA/4))(set: $skill_name to "Charm")(display: "makeDice"): "Our lives are in danger right now. And Rain's in no condition to, err, address the issue." ->cantRain]]He eyes you coolly. "Was there something else you wished to discuss?"
You shake your head. As you march away, you feel his stare like ice against your back. But when you yield to the urge to look around, he's gone. You frown.
Seconds later, he surfaces in the river, looking sleek as a seal. Shaking your head, you make your way back toward the campfire.
(if: $tert < 3)[As you clamber up the riverbank, you find Rain lying on the grass, snoring peacefully. Norvidge and Grimvold are playing dice beside a large pile of firewood. Tertia, however, is nowhere to be seen.
You suppress a curse. Even in daylight, the Twisted Forest is no place for a maiden to wander alone.
(display: "tert2")](else:)[(display: "convEndNoCliff")] (display: "dice")(set: $data's charm to it + 1)
(if: $success is true)[Andreas rises. He stalks toward you, blocking the sunlight. You feel your body trembling automatically, suddenly realizing how big he is, how effortlessly he could overpower you.
(set: $data's likesA to $data's likesA + 3)
His dripping hands grip your shirt, jerking you against his wet chest. He stares down at you, eyes like coals.
"Did you just propose we cuckold the future King of Thronheim?" he snarls.
[["*Technically*, it's not cuckoldry until we're married." ->notTechnically]]
[["Of course not. Whatever gave you that idea?" ->noSwimming]]](else:)["Not my problem, princess." (display: "thanksInfoAndreas")]"I just wanted to be sure I understood." Carefully, he shifts a strand of hair out of your face, gazing into your eyes. "Seline... I do not think this is wise. Have you given it sufficient thought?"
[["Why not?" ->whyNot]]
[["I am not asking your advice, Andreas. You *will* obey me, will you not?" ->notAskingAdvice]]He snorts. "Somehow, I doubt the King will be concerned with the technicalities."(set: $data's likesA to it + 1)
Carefully, he shifts a strand of hair out of your face, gazing into your eyes. "Seline... I do not think this is wise. Have you given it sufficient thought?"
[["Why not?" ->whyNot]]
[["I am not asking your advice, Andreas. You *will* obey me, will you not?" ->notAskingAdvice]]"I see." His voice is silky and cold as a serpent's hiss. "Then you were asking for something else. And I have every intention of giving it to you."
(display: "swim")"You are very young, Seline. Rain -- or whomever you marry -- must believe that you are a virgin. Do you really wish to begin that relationship by lying to your husband? To live a falsehood for your entire life? And what if you were to conceive?"
(set: $data's likesA to it + 1)
[["You're right. I guess it would be a bad idea." ->yeahBadIdea]]
[["If we're to stop the war, I must marry Rain immediately. And if I can't, I'll be married as soon as we return to Stelgarte anyway. Either way, any child will be presumed to spring from enthusiastic honeymooning." ->marriedSoon]]
[["Were I marrying for love, I might agree. But I'm not. I intend to treat my husband perfectly fairly; I won't inquire into his past, and I shall expect the same courtesy from him. That is how royal marriages survive, Andreas; through mutual courtesy. Any prince will understand this." ->mutualCourtesy]]"Perhaps so. Would you also lie to your child about his parentage, then? And you have not addressed the question of honesty with your husband."
[["You're right. I guess it would be a bad idea." ->yeahBadIdea]]
[["I'm not marrying for love, Andreas. I intend to treat my husband perfectly fairly; I won't inquire into his past, and I shall expect the same courtesy from him. That is how royal marriages survive, Andreas; through mutual courtesy. Any prince will understand this." ->mutualCourtesy]]
Andreas nods, stepping backwards.
You start to walk away.
"On the other hand," says Andreas quickly, "your life *is* in danger. I'm sure young Rain would understand, under the circumstances, that it was a necessary precaution."
[[Keep walking. ->keepWalkingAway]]
[[Turn back. ->turnBackAndreas]]Andreas winces. "Seline..." he murmurs, shaking his head. "Do you know how it hurts my soul to hear you speak so? You deserve a better life. You should be loved passionately, completely, unreservedly. A man should win your heart with heroic valor and wild romance; instead, will you allow yourself to be auctioned off like a cow?"
(set: $data's likesA to it + 3)
[["As if I had a choice." ->noChoice]]
[["Such has always been the price of power, Andreas." ->priceOfPower]]
[["That's the beauty of marrying Rain. I shall have my cake and eat it, more or less." ->noMelodrama]]He grasps your hands. "Sometimes we must create our own choices. So what if your family disagrees? To them, you're just a bargaining chip, to be pushed around and sold when convenient. But you will be Queen, not them. And the Queen rules all. So why should you respect their wishes? Choose what *you* desire, Seline, not what is convenient and expected! A Queen who is strong and happy, with a loving and loyal partner by her side -- *that* will strengthen the realm more than any diplomatic match."
(set: $data's likesA to it + 2)
[["Careful what you wish for, Andreas. What if I chose *you*?" ->choseAndreas]]
[["That's the beauty of marrying Rain. I shall have my cake and eat it, more or less." ->noMelodrama]]He shakes his head. "I do not believe that, Seline. I believe that true power is born when we choose from the heart. Anything else is just a lie you've been sold."
(display: "noChoice")He snorts. "And what am I, then? An aperitif?"
[["You are my liege man, Andreas. I do not require your opinions, only your obedience." ->obeyMe]]
[["Actually, on second thoughts you're right. This was a bad idea." ->yeahBadIdea]]His feet pound behind, but you don't turn.
"Oh, you ignore me, do you? That I *cannot* permit, Highness!"
(display: "swim")A wicked smile mars his features. "Did you think I'd let you walk away, after the things you said?"
He saunters toward you, eyes agleam with hunger. "Are you going to run from me now? I'd enjoy that."
[[Run. ->runAndreas]]
[[Stay where you are. ->stayAndreas]]
[["*Let* me walk away? You still misunderstand your position, Andreas." ->drawSword]]His breath catches, but his reply is a snarl. "Oh, so it amuses you to toy with my emotions, does it, Highness? Then I think I have no choice but to teach you some respect!"
(set: $data's likesA to it + 3)
(display: "swim")He nods. "Indeed, there is much we must discuss tonight. Please, do not think ill of me! I will tell you all, I swear, but a partial telling now would do more harm than good."
(display: "tryRemedy")His stare holds yours, burning like ice. His nod is almost imperceptible. "I fear for you, Highness."
(set: $data's likesA to it + 1)
[["Your fears are immaterial, Andreas. I do not require your opinions, only your obedience." ->obeyMe]]
[["Why?" ->whyNot]]
[["Actually, on second thoughts, you're right. It would be a bad idea." ->yeahBadIdea]]Still staring down at you, he murmurs huskily: "You own my soul already, Seline. Do you actually think I could refuse?"
(set: $data's likesA to $data's likesA + 1)
Then a wicked grin twists his scar. "But first, I'm going to give you something else!"
(display: "swim")Suddenly, his arms wrap your waist with irresistible strength. Effortlessly, he hoists you over his shoulder and marches back toward the river, utterly ignoring your kicks and yelps of protest.
[["Andreas, stop that!" ->stopAndreas]]
[[Just continue struggling. ->struggleAndreas]]"Of course not. After what he did to Nyora... well, it was months before I could bring myself to even speak to him. Still, he makes himself useful."
[["What *did* he do to Nyora?" ->whatNyora]]
[["*She* doesn't seem to resent it." ->notResent]]
[["But what are his goals? Why help us, and then abandon us?" ->whyKiaru]](if: $AndreasGrumpy is 1)["If it's all the same to you, Seline, I'd rather not discuss it."](else:)[Andreas hesitates. "It is not my story to tell, Seline."]
[[(set: $difficulty to (20 - $data's likesA/4))(set: $skill_name to "Persuade")(display: "makeDice"):"Andreas, please. Nyora still seeks my death; understanding her better could save my life." ->pleaseAndreas]]
[["So, your loyalty to your psychopathic ex matters more to you than my survival?" ->fineAndreas]]
[["Never mind. Kiaru said something about you, on the ride to Greyshard. He does not believe you are a Khargaian baker's child, even though you do. What do you think he meant?" ->noBaker]]Staring at the river, Andreas mutters something incomprehensible. Then he looks at you, chewing his lip. "Perhaps you're right. He irritates me, that's all. He reminds me of every high-born Saragaian I met as a child."
(set: $data's likesM to it + 1)
[["Why would a Saragaian nobleman be impersonating a hound in the Twisted Forest?" ->frogSaragaian]]
[["He greeted me as an equal." ->greetsEqual]]"He speaks your language with barely an accent, so I would say he is well-educated, and thus high-born. And his mannerisms are those of the nobles of Saragai."
[["A Saragaian nobleman? What on earth is he doing posing as a hound in the Twisted Forest, then?" ->frogSaragaian]]
[["He greeted me as an equal." ->greetsEqual]]"Good question. And where did Kiaru get him, and why did he give him to me? Let us hope our hound has some satisfactory answers."
[["He greeted me as an equal." ->greetsEqual]]
[["Do you think we can trust anything Kiaru says?" ->trustKiaru]]"Did he?" Andreas's eyes narrow as he stares at you. "Now, that *is* interesting."
He falls silent.
[["Do you think we can trust anything Kiaru says?" ->trustKiaru]]
[["I've also been thinking about Nyora." ->thinkingAboutNyora]]Andreas shrugs. "She has never spoken of that time. All we knew was, she was gone. Months passed. I held the gang together, but I lacked the heart to expand our power.
And then, just as suddenly, she returned to us. Alone. She never wept. She was cold as ice, and she redoubled her ambition, attacking neighbouring gangs with unprecedented fury. Once, in the heat of battle, a boy called her Kiaru's whore. I knocked him out, and would have left him there, but Nyora pushed past me. She didn't kill him. She tied him and took him back to our headquarters. It took him days to die..."
[["Now that sounds like the Nyora we all know and love." ->knowNyora]]
[["And you helped her, even after that." ->youHelped]]"She'd always been eager for power, but now she was cold. Her bloodlust became the cruelty of a cat... Some months later, Kiaru came back. We all looked to Nyora. Some of us expected her to kill him. But she greeted him sweetly, as if nothing ever happened. And he was the same as ever, bringing sweets and songs.
When he vanished again, she began to systematically exterminate every rival we had. She would torture the leaders before she killed them; she said it was necessary to inspire fear, but she revelled in their suffering. She was very... inventive."
Andreas agains falls silent, as if lost in dark memories.
[["So how did you all end up in the Twisted Forest, then?" ->howForest]]
[["And you helped her." ->youHelped]]"By being over-ambitious." Andreas shakes his head. "Over time, our reputation spread beyond Stelgarte's underworld, and in time we attracted more than casual attention from the city authorities. Nyora staved off the inevitable with bribes and favors, but it was only a matter of time before our dominance became a threat."
He pauses, eyes averted as if to keep grim memories at bay. Then, sighing, he continues. "One night we lay sleeping off a victory celebration, when a troop of soldiers swarmed into our lair. Fully half our crew died... the survivors fled, harangued on all sides by enemies on both sides of the law. Now Nyora's cruelty rebounded on her, for our allies were no more trustworthy than we, and they enjoyed our downfall as much as our enemies. We were forced out of the city. And that is how we came to the Twisted Forest. Since then, she has worked quietly, whispering, rebuilding, courting her betrayers; we trust none of them, but they have leverage, and she knows well how to use them."
Andreas sighs. "In truth, I prefer the forest. I never loved the city, and I love Nyora's scheming and power games still less."
[["Kiaru said something about you once. On the ride to Greyshard. He said he does not believe you are a baker's child, even though you do. What do you think he meant?" ->noBaker]]
[["You truly despise politics, don't you?" ->despisePolitics]]Andreas looks at you. "What about her?"
(if: $data's freedByN is 1)[[["She let me go, you know. After the Darkvein. I think there must still be some part of her that wants to do the right thing." ->decentN]]](else:)[[["Do you think there's any way to change her mind?" ->changeMind]]]
[["I don't understand. How does she think she can become Queen?" ->howQueen]]Andreas frowns. "Do you doubt it? I suppose you have seen little of her power. And she *has* changed, since..."
[["Sorry. I guess you're right. She seems so crazy, it's hard to imagine her being that successful." ->hardToImagine]]
[["Since what?" ->sinceWhat]] "She was not always as you see her now. What Kiaru did... changed her."
[["What *did* he do?" ->whatNyora]]
[["She doesn't seem to resent it." ->notResent]]A smile twists his scar. "Oh, I know what you see, Highness -- a ragtag band of outlaws cowering in the forest. What you *don't* see is Nyora's web. True power is invisible, Seline. Though we live in the Forest, we are far from isolated. She's spent years weaving a network of allies that extends from the Splashglass slums to your father's banquet-halls. Few love her, but many fear and admire her. And there are many more who wallow in resentment like rags in oil, unfocused, yet ready to flame up when a spark strikes. I never dreamed the extent of her ambition - it still astounds me, that she would dare to make two kings her puppets, and their kingdoms her game-board - and yet, it rings true."
[["I guess you're right. She seems so crazy, it's hard to imagine her being that successful." ->hardToImagine]]
[["Ridiculous. Even uneducated commoners couldn't be so foolish as to support a psychopath like her." ->ridiculous]]He nods. "That's true. She does not grieve for the past. In truth, I do not know what she feels."
[["What *did* Kiaru do to her?" ->whatNyora]]
[["That reminds me. Kiaru said something about you, on the ride to Greyshard. He does not believe you are a baker's child, even though you do. What do you think he meant?" ->noBaker]]Andreas shrugs. "I've been wondering that since I was a child. It seems he can bend the human will as easily as you'd bend a reed. And yet, he wanders the world in rags, with never more than a few coins to spare. Tell me, did you hear him sing?"
[["Yes. In the forest, and in Raddibore's hall." ->singKiaru]]
[["In Raddibore's hall, yes. Some sort of ballad?" ->inRadHall]]"And what did you think of his singing?"
Your mind flashes back to Kiaru's song in the green-gold wood, and you shiver. Though you've hardly thought of it, through all the terror of Raddibore's dungeons, Nyora's abduction and your flight through the Forest, that rippling tune has stayed with you, sad and lovely and ethereal. And with it you feel Kiaru's eyes on you, merry and ancient, irresistible as time.
[["The way he sang in the woods... it was incredible. I've never heard anything like it." ->woodSong]]
[["He's extraordinarily talented. I cannot forget how he sang in the woods. Though, I don't remember his song at Greyshard being anything special." ->songGreyshard]]"It was unmemorable, wasn't it? Let me tell you something: when he wishes, he has the voice of an angel. He can charm the birds from the trees. Yet, as you saw that night, he does not always choose to. He could grace Stelgarte's palaces if he desired; but he does not. What *does* he choose? To wander in rags..."
[["And enchant street kids?" ->anotherMystery]]
[["Then he cannot be what he seems. Only the wealthy can afford to be indifferent to wealth." ->notWhatHeSeems]]"Indeed. When he chooses, he can charm the birds from the trees. And what of his song at Greyshard?"
You frown. That one you barely recall; was it a rollicking ballad? Certainly there was nothing notable in the bard's voice that night.
[["I don't remember that one, sorry." ->songGreyshard]]
[["It was unremarkable. Nothing like how he sang in the woods." ->songGreyshard]] "Precisely. Why does he give a virtuoso performance for a scruffy gang of outlaws; then, in the hall of the King's closest advisor, simulate a common street busker? You might argue he is simply inconsistent, but I believe not. I have seen him sing before, often enough to know that he can enchant or to go unnoticed at will. He could grace Stelgarte's palaces if he chose; but he does not. What *does* he choose? To wander in rags..."
[["You didn't seem so impressed at the time." ->notImpressed]]
[["Then he cannot be what he seems. Only the wealthy can afford to be indifferent to wealth." ->notWhatHeSeems]]He looks at you. "I am ashamed, Seline. I meant to bring you out of Greyshard, and instead was caught myself. Even after you freed me, I failed to protect you. I was a fool for thinking I could play the hero."
[["Don't beat yourself up. You did what you could, and that's all that heroes ever do." ->didWhatYouCould]]
[["*Hero?* You forfeited that part when you drugged and kidnapped me." ->forfeitedPart]] He looks amused. "I'm not disappointed that I failed to act heroically, Seline. I'm annoyed that I fooled myself into thinking I *might*. I despise self-deception above all else. But - enough wallowing. Was there something else you wished to discuss?"
You hesitate.
[["We need to plan our next move." ->planNextMove]]
[["We have to get Tertia to a healer. The wounds on her wrists are infected." ->infectedWounds]]He snorts. "Perhaps. Yet, strangely, I do not regret *that*. Do you?"
[["Hell yes! I'm fleeing from an evil sorcerer, my best friend's life is in hideous danger, and my country stands on the brink of war. And *it's all your fault*, Andreas!" ->allYourFault]]
[["I... I'm not sure. I can't condone what you did. But if you hadn't, I suspect my father would have killed Rain, and started a war already. At least now we have a chance." ->notSure]]His eyes narrow. "That's neither kind nor true, Highness. But if you choose to blind yourself to facts, we've no reason to converse further."
He turns back to the half-butchered rabbit, gutting it with short, angry movements.
[["Do you think you deserve my kindness?" ->notDeserveKindness]]
[["We can agree on the last part, at least." ->agreeLast]]Andreas nods. "Indeed."
[["But that doesn't make what you did okay! What you did was utterly wrong, Andreas -- an unforgivable violation." ->unforgivable]]
[["We need to plan our next move." ->planNextMove]]"Deserve?" he snarls. "As if one such as I could ever *deserve* anything from you, Highness. I was born to villainy, as you were born to grace, and no striving can change that birthright. That is the faith that underlies your arrogance, is it not? And who am I to argue with it?"
[["You didn't have to become a criminal, Andreas. You made that choice." ->criminalChoice]]
[["Arrogance? You're the one who's arrogant, Andreas! I'm just trying to do the right thing for my people. What you did was unforgivable!" ->unforgivable]] "Fine with me." (display: "stompAway")He laughs, grimly. "Oh, indeed. I could have let my mother starve instead of stealing bread for us. I could have died alone on the streets of Stelgarte, instead of letting Kiaru lead me into a life of crime. And I could have left you in your tower, princess, so that your father would have executed Rain, wed you to Yellowtooth, and gone to war with Saragai. Tell me, Highness, what would you prefer?"
[["I could have stopped my father executing Rain." ->stopExecution]]
[["I'm not interested in hypotheticals. What you did was unforgivable." ->unforgivable]]
[["I guess you have a point. What you did was wrong, Andreas -- an unforgivable violation, but under the circumstances, I suppose I should be glad you did." ->unforgivable]]"Really? How, exactly? You were locked in a tower."
[["Oh, I don't know. I would have found a way!" ->foundAWay]]
[["I suppose that might not be true. But the point is, what you did was unforgivable." ->unforgivable]]"Have I ever asked you to forgive me?"
[["I guess not. I just wanted to make it clear where we stand." ->beClear]]
[["No. But you act as though you expect it. All this gallantry and false chivalry makes me sick! As if in your mind this is all some sort of perverted courtship, not the aftermath of a violent abduction. Andreas, I will never, ever, look at you with anything but disgust!" ->youExpect]]
[["No. You haven't. The funny thing is... I think it was unforgivable, and yet I *do* forgive you, Andreas. I don't forget what happened. I don't know if you deserve forgiveness, or kindness, or anything. Does anyone? All I know is, I don't want to hate you any more. And maybe that's the point of forgiveness. It's not something you can earn, it's more like... a gift?" ->forgiveAndreas]]"You have done so, Highness. Was there something else?" His tone is clipped and cold, his dark eyes hard as agate. (set: $AndreasGrumpy to 1)
[["No, nothing!" ->agreeLast]]
[["We need to plan our next move." ->planNextMove]]His eyes flash dangerously black, but his voice is quiet. "You have made yourself clear, Highness. I apologise. I did not realise my attentions were so repugnant to you. I will not impose upon you further."
(display: "stompAway")Andreas seizes your hand and presses it to his lips. His dark eyes catch the sun, glowing with sudden warmth.
"Seline," he murmurs. "Thank you. Thank you for... for that gift. It means more than I can say."
He stands up, roughly wiping his face upon his sleeve. By the time he looks at you again, his half-smile has returned. "This is embarrassing, Highness. I'm not usually given to sentiment, but you caught me off-guard."
(set: $data's likesA to it + 5)
[["I won't tell a living soul." ->wontTell]]
[["Don't be embarrassed, Andreas. It's fine." ->wontTell]]Andreas's raised eyebrow speaks volumes, and you find no appropriate reply. At last he says: "Highness, berate me as you will for my past choices; they were indefensible, and I have never pretended otherwise. But did you come here merely to snipe at me?"
[["I just wanted to make it clear where we stand." ->beClear]]
[["No. I didn't. I wanted to talk to you about something else entirely. I guess I'm angrier than I realized." ->angryWithAndreas]]He winces. "Also, you have blood on your hands."
Seeing your startled look, he adds: "I mean, literally. And other bits and pieces. I guess we shouldn't hold emotive conversations while I'm gutting a rabbit."
[["Eww!" ->eww]]You make your way down to the river and wash your hands.
As you return, Andreas flashes you a grin. He seems to have recovered from his fleeting brush with human emotion. "Now, if you're done dissecting my psyche, was there something else you wished to discuss?"
You hesitate.
[["We need to plan our next move." ->planNextMove]]
[["We have to get Tertia to a healer. The wounds on her wrists are infected." ->infectedWounds]]"One thing I've noticed, Seline: it's easier to resist Kiaru's wiles if you force yourself to ignore him. The more you listen to him, the more he can control you. So when he's there, I do everything I can to disrupt his charm and break his power over others. That's why I incessantly ridicule and defy him -- but do not think it means I underestimate him."
[["But he invites ridicule. The way he dresses and acts -- it's as if he seeks to be mocked." ->invitesRidicule]]
[["Well, that's creepy." ->notWhatHeSeems]]"But *what* is he? That mystery he has maintained for all the years I've known him."
[["What did he do to Nyora?" ->whatNyora]]
[["He said something about you once. On the ride to Greyshard. He said he does not believe you are a baker's child, even though you do. What do you think he meant?" ->noBaker]]"I agree. And I mistrust him more for that. There are games within games in that man's mind, Seline -- if he is a man. But for now, he's absent, thankfully -- and long may he remain so."
With a tight grin, Andreas returns to gutting the rabbit. The day's grown warm. An iridescent beetle drones past, shimmering in the mid-morning sun. It alights on your hand, waving brilliant yellow antennae at you. Its body gleams, oil over emerald.
You shiver.
[["What did he do to Nyora?" ->whatNyora]]
[["He said something about you once. On the ride to Greyshard. He said he does not believe you are a baker's child, even though you do. What do you think he meant?" ->noBaker]]Andreas snorts. "What does Kiaru mean by anything he says? To sow confusion and intrigue, no doubt."
[["He said that he was able to discover who you really are, by asking the right question. But naturally, he didn't tell me the question." ->rightQuestion]]
[["What *do* you remember about her?" ->whatMom]]Andreas shrugs. "Well, if there is a right question, that obviously isn't it. Seline, this stinks of Kiaru's machinations. I have no idea to what end, but most likely it's simply some nonsense he dreamed up."
[["Didn't you tell me not to underestimate him?" ->notUnderestimate]]
[[(set: $difficulty to (20 - $data's likesA/4))(set: $skill_name to "Charm")(display: "makeDice"): "Did he ever ask you something strange? Or seem extraordinarily interested in the answer to a mundane question?" ->strangeQuestion]]Andreas scratches his scar. "She rarely spoke of her past. And I see no reason not to respect her privacy."
[["So you never wondered if she was more than she seemed?" ->whyNotOnePos]]
[["Do you have something of hers? Something she gave you?" ->motherGift]]His eyes narrow. "And if I did? (if: $AndreasGrumpy is 1)[I do not see how prying into these matters can benefit you, Highness."](else:)[There were discrepancies, I admit. Her speech and manners, her knowledge of politics... The way she lived so quietly, and avoided the authorities. But war drives good people to dark choices, Seline. She had the right to reinvent herself."]
[["Do you think she was trying to escape her past?" ->escapePast]]
[["Do you have something of hers? Something she gave you?" ->motherGift]]Her brow crumples. "No... but, Seline, it's not..."
She goes silent.
[["It's not... what?" ->luckyGuy]]
[["Come on, Tertia. Maybe talking about it would make you feel better. Maybe I can even help. I know you say you can't marry this guy, but I *am* the future queen."->luckyGuy]]She shrugs. "It's just the way relationships work. Love gives us the strength to run, but history runs with us. It's our shadow."
(set: $data's likesT to it + 1)
[["Is that necessarily a bad thing? Can't we learn good things from our experiences? Things that make us deeper and wiser and better able to love?" ->notBadChange]]
[["Is that how you feel about us?" ->usRainToo]]She sighs. "I guess that depends. Sometimes, maybe... but some experiences leave scars. Even after the pain is finished, what's left is ruined, the beauty of its purity and symmetry destroyed."
(set: $data's likesT to it + 1)
[["Is that how you feel about us?" ->usRainToo]]
[["Can't scars be beautiful too? It's not the same, as you say, but isn't there also something to treasure in the marks left by history? Less perfect symmetry, but more richness and complexity?" ->beautifulScars]]She nods. "About us. And about Rain, too."
(set: $data's likesT to it + 1)
Stroking his hair, she adds: "I always wanted to protect him. Instead I almost killed him."
[["Don't beat yourself up. Your heart was always in the right place." ->dontBeatTertia]]
[["You're in love with him, aren't you?" ->loveRainTertia]]Tertia sighs. "I don't know, Seline. Maybe one day I'll be able to think like that. But right now, it just hurts too much. Between what I did to you... and to Rain..."
(set: $data's likesT to it + 1)
She falls silent, stroking his hair. Then she adds: "I always wanted to protect him. Instead I almost killed him."
[["Don't beat yourself up. Your heart was always in the right place." ->dontBeatTertia]]
[["You're in love with him, aren't you?" ->loveRainTertia]]Tertia manages a watery smile. "Seline..."
(set: $data's likesT to it + 1)
She blinks, and rubs one hand across her eyes. You sense that she's gathering her courage. "Seline, I... if things have to be different -- and they do, I know -- then I need to tell you something. But I'm so very scared..."
[["Okay, shoot." ->shoot]]
[["Let me guess. You're in love with Rain?" ->loveRainTertia]]Tertia bites her lip. "Seline..."
(display: "runAwayTertia")Tertia pulls her hands away as if Prince's ears are on fire. "Oh! I... I'm sorry. I didn't think..."
Prince gives you an exasperated look.
[["Oh come on Frog, have a little dignity? That was completely inappropriate!" ->inappropriateFrog]]
[["Tertia... are you okay?" ->okayTertia]]Tertia looks up as you approach, though she keeps one hand buried in Prince's lush pelt. She gives you a weak smile.
[["Tertia... are you okay?" ->okayTertia]]
[["Err, Frog, is this appropriate?" ->inappropriateFrog]]He sighs, saunters over to you and gives your hand a cursory lick.
Tertia sighs. (if: $tert is 2)[(display: "forgetIt")](else:)[(display: "okayTertia2")]She nods shakily. (set: $data's likesT to it + 1)(if: $tert is 2)[(display: "forgetIt")](else:)[(display:"firstLastTert")]She nods. "I'm sure," she says, sounding anything but.
You offer her a sympathetic smile.
(display: "cantForget")She stares at you, as if trying to say something without words. Hopeful, or pleading? You're unsure.
Abruptly, Prince shoves his way between you. His amber eyes fix upon yours; he gives a low, insistent woof.
[["Alright, Frog. Ready to be human again?" ->humanizeFrog]]
[["Hey, can't you see we're having a moment here?" ->waitFrog]]Politely, you bend to meet Prince on his own level. The anticipation does not make it easier; quite the reverse. You screw your eyes shut, force open your jaws, and wait. (set: $humanFrog to 1)
This time, it's the merest flicker of that wet, rubbery tongue against yours. You flinch back reflexively; he does the same, giving a faint yelp.
When you open your eyes, he's vanished. For a moment, you worry; then you convince yourself that he's gone to retrieve his borrowed clothes, which he must have stashed in the woods.
Tertia makes a delicate snorting sound, which you know from experience is a poorly-suppressed giggle.
[["That was not funny!" ->notFunny]]
[[Meet her eyes. ->laughWithTertia]]Prince gives a strangled, grumbling whine that's half-growl, then lies down on his elbows, still staring at you.
You turn back to Tertia, but her eyes are veiled with resignation, and she offers you only a mournful, close-lipped smile. Evidently the moment has passed.
"We ought not make him wait. He must get awfully tired of being a dog," she says.
Grimacing, you offer Prince a short nod.
(display: "humanizeFrog")"If she was, then I would prefer to respect her choice."
[["So you think it's possible she wasn't a baker's daughter?" ->notABaker]]
[["Do you have something of hers? Something she gave you?" ->motherGift]]"I think I would rather respect her memory than contemplate the question."
[["Do you have something of hers? Something she gave you?" ->motherGift]]
[["It could be important, Andreas. Clearly Kiaru thought so." ->redHerring]]"I meant that we shouldn't underestimate his abilities. That doesn't mean everything he says is worth analysing. He uses words the way a spider uses silk; if you let them stick, he'll wrap you up in them and store you for a snack."
[["Maybe you're right. Still, he may have been onto something." ->redHerring]]
[["Just tell me one thing. What *do* you remember about your mother?" ->whatMom]]He sighs. "It's possible, I suppose."
[["Do you have something of hers? Something she gave you?" ->motherGift]]
[[(set: $difficulty to (20 - $data's likesA/4))(set: $skill_name to "Charm")(display: "makeDice"): "Did Kiaru ever ask you about something strange? Or seem extraordinarily interested in the answer to a mundane question?" ->strangeQuestion]](if: $AndreasGrumpy is 1)[Andreas shrugs. "Just an old ring." You stare at him. He does not budge.
[["May I please see it? It might be a clue to your mother's identity." ->showRing]]](else:)[Andreas shrugs. "Only this. Why do you ask?"
(display: "showRing")]He nods. His eyes are, for once, soft as he gazes at the ring. (display: "clueToPast")"She said it belonged to my grandmother."
[["That's not the ring of a commoner, Andreas." ->notCommonRing]]
[["It obviously meant a lot to your mother. She could have sold it for enough money to feed you both for months." ->ringMeantALot]]He shrugs. "That doesn't prove anything. Who knows where my grandmother got it? Perhaps she seduced a knight. Perhaps she stole it."
[["Would she have passed it down as an heirloom if she had obtained it by shady dealings?" ->shadyHeirloom]]
[["It obviously meant a lot to your mother. She could have sold it for enough money to feed you both for months." ->ringMeantALot]]He snorts. "How should I know? I never met the woman, remember? But I do like to imagine she was a mistress of the dark arts who took such pride in her conquests that she would bequeath them to her heirs."
[["I thought you said she was a baker!" ->bakerNotThief]]
[["I suppose that's *possible*." ->bakerNotThief]]He nods. "Indeed. I don't know why she cared so much about it, but I've always felt compelled to honor her memory by keeping it safe."
[["So, that heart-wrenching tale you told about losing your shoes, being turned away from the castle, and starving on the streets of Stelgarte... all along you were carrying a ring worth a small fortune in your pocket?" ->hyperbole]]
[["Speaking of mysteries, I also wanted to talk to you about the Sorcerer." ->thinkingAboutSorcerer]]"Ha! I *was* tempted to sell it at times. But even then I realized that it wouldn't change anything. So what if I bought my way into the castle? I'd heard enough of King Torveld on the streets to know he'd never hear me out. And -- Seline, I will not lie to you -- the fact is, by the time I understood the value of the ring I was already an incorrigible thief."
[["I also wanted to talk to you about the Sorcerer." ->thinkingAboutSorcerer]](display: "dice")(set: $data's charm to it + 1)
He frowns. "Seline, I've had many conversations with Kiaru over the years. He was a sort of mentor to me -- a faithless and unreliable one, but a teacher nonetheless. So it could have been anything."
(if: $success is true)[He pausess. "But there was one time..."
[["Go on!" ->goOn]]
[[Wait. ->goOn]]] (else:)[[["Do you have something of hers? Something she gave you?" ->motherGift]]]He closes his eyes. "Let me think."
At last he opens them again. "We were living in an abandoned warehouse near Splashglass Harbor. He turned up one winter's night, when the wind moaned in the broken boards and snow whirled against the cobbles. As usual, his cloak was full of gifts and sweets, and he kept us all up until moonset with stories and songs. Then, when we were staggering bedward, he laid his hand on my arm and led me aside. There was a curious intensity in his gaze.
"Andreas," he said, "I would speak of your family."
"My family?" I replied, puzzled, for both my parents were long dead, and their relations neither knew nor cared for my existence.
"I have been in Saragai these last months," he said. "To your childhood home in Khargai, and to the capital also. I heard stories and rumors of a woman who was lost, in the war before you were born."
"So what?" I replied, wary and disinterested as any teenager.
"Tell me, child. Did your mother ever give you a gift?"
I hesitated. "My mother was not lost! And your snooping has nothing to do with me."
He put his finger under my chin and raised my face, so that I had no choice but to look him in the eye. And he smiled, that smile that makes you forget everything but the urge to please him.
"May I see it?" he asked.
My will was gone; I showed him my mother's ring. He took it from my hand and stared at it for a long time, his face still and quiet. At last his enchantment waned, and I snatched back the ring and fled. He did not follow me, but strode out into the snow, and we did not see him again for months. Nor did he ever speak of the matter again.
I had almost forgotten that conversation until now."
[["Would you mind showing me the ring?" ->showRing]]
[["That must be what he meant!" ->showRing]]He fishes in a leather pouch that hangs at his belt, and removes a small, sparkly object, which he lays upon your palm.
It's a ring of rose gold, delicately woven in thread-fine filigree. Two serpent-heads grasp a ruby in tiny, fanged jaws. Their eyes are diamonds, and more rubies ripple, inset along the serpents' intertwined bodies. You've seen similar jewellery in paintings; it's a style that was popular among Saragaian nobility two or three centuries ago.
The design nags at your mind. Familiar, but you can't place it.
[["It's beautiful!" ->beautifulRing]]
[["It's surely a clue to your mother's past." ->clueToPast]]"Baker by day, robber queen by night! As slick as butter and as elusive as a macaron, her secret identity hidden in a mist of flour and icing sugar! Why not?"
You stare at him.
"I'm not saying it's *likely*."
[["Speaking of mysterious figures, I also wanted to talk to you about the Sorcerer." ->thinkingAboutSorcerer]]He nods, sombrely. "You have every right to be angry, Seline. I do not ask your forgiveness; I do not claim to merit it. I merely offer you my service, for as long as you have use for me."
[["What you fail to understand is that I have no use for you! All this gallantry and false chivalry makes me sick! As if in your mind this is all some sort of perverted courtship, not the aftermath of a violent abduction. Andreas, I will never, ever, look at you with anything but disgust!" ->youExpect]]
[["Andreas. The funny thing is... what you did *was* unforgivable, and yet I *want* to forgive you. And that hurts. I don't forget what happened. I don't know if you deserve forgiveness, or kindness, or anything. Does anyone? All I know is, I don't want to hate you any more. And maybe that's the point of forgiveness. It's not something you earn, it's more like a gift." ->forgiveAndreas]]He waits. (set: $AndreasGrumpy to 1)
"Why are you still here?"
[["We need to plan our next move." ->planNextMove]]
[[Stomp away. ->reallyStomp]]
Prince bounds up to sit beside her. Wiping her eyes with a sleeve, she bends to fondle his silky russet ears.(set: $tert to 3)
[["Uh, Tertia, you do realise you're stroking the ears of a man you barely know?" ->strokingPrinceEars]]
[["Tertia! What the hell do you think you're doing? You can't just wander off in the Twisted Forest!" ->whatTheHellTertia]]
[[Just go to them. ->sitWithTertiaPrince]]"Indeed, that's another mystery."
[["What *did* he do to Nyora?" ->whatNyora]]
[["He said something about you, on the ride to Greyshard. He does not believe you are a Khargaian baker's child, even though you do. What do you think he meant?" ->noBaker]]He's far too quick. Even as your stride lengthens, he pounces, yanking your clothes so that you tumble backwards into his arms. A hand in your hair yanks back your head, exposing your throat.
(set: $data's likesA to it + 1)
He stares down at you, grinning. His eyes are wide and black, and his leathery musk scent envelopes you. "You should know better than to tease a caged predator, Seline. Who can say how long the bars will hold?"
He leans over your throat. You feel his lips flicker against your skin, the rough beard scraping, sending an electric shiver through your core. His teeth tug gently at your skin; you cry out in pain -- or is it the opposite?
"You cannot escape me, Seline," he purrs. "And I intend to do exactly as I please with you. Starting now."
(display: "swim")A shiver runs through your core as he stares at you like a cat that's cornered a fledgling.
Slowly, he stalks toward you, smiling. "I also like this," he says, softly. "I like seeing you caught between fear and anticipation. I like the way your body reaches for me, even as your eyes widen with terror."
He's looming over you, eyes black with hunger, sharp teeth gleaming. Your heart pounds, but you cannot move. He runs one finger down your cheek, featherlight. "I like the way you give yourself up, and allow me to possess you, enjoy you as I wish. Whatever men may say, Seline, you belong to me now by all the laws of nature, as the leopard owns the fawn. And we both know it."
(display: "swim")He freezes.
"Is that a royal command, Highness?" His black eyes glitter.
[["Yes." ->yesCommand]]
[["No." ->noStruggleAndreas]]You hit the water with a loud, ice-cold splash, and scream. It's chest-deep, and the current tugs your flesh. Another splash, and Andreas is beside you, grinning from ear to ear.
(set: $data's likesA to it + 1)
You dart away from him, but he pursues you relentlessly. He grips your hand. "Come back here! I want to show you something."
[[Twist your hand away. ->pullAway]]
[[Follow him. ->followAndreas]]"Then I obey." Carefully, he lowers you to the ground. He stares at you, suddenly serious. "Seline, I am always yours to command."
And then he grins again. "But just for your information, Highness, the water's lovely."
You watch his muscular back descend the riverbank, noting a row of pale, parallel scars; the mark of a flogging?
He dives with barely a ripple, and comes up gleaming, sleek as a seal and grinning from ear to ear. "Are you sure you won't join me, Highness? It's refreshing."
[[Swim with Andreas. ->struggleAndreas]]
[["No, thank you. I think I'd better help Tertia with Rain." ->notSwim]]He nods. Laying the rabbit on a flat rock, he slices open its belly and pulls out handfuls of viscera. "Indeed. Though, I wonder if we should see what the *dog* has to say for himself first. He's been spying on me for months; there must be some hidden motive there." (set: $andreas to 3)
[["Why are you so suspicious of him? It's not his fault he was bespelled, is it?" ->whyMadFrog]]
[["We have to get Tertia to a healer. The wounds on her wrists are infected." ->infectedWounds]]Andreas nods. "I've been thinking the same thing. But it won't be easy. We're miles from any town, and we don't exactly look like honest folk. If you or Rain is recognized, you'll be dragged back to your father in chains. And Nyora and the Sorcerer are still pursuing us." (set: $andreas to 3)
[["How far are we from Saragai?" ->farFromSaragai]]
[["I wonder about Nyora." ->thinkingAboutNyora]]"Several days' hard riding. She'll never make it, Seline. But perhaps the dog can help her. He seems to know something of herbs."
[["Why are you so mad at him? It's not his fault he was bespelled, is it?" ->whyMadFrog]]
[["Who do you think he really is?" ->whoFrog]]You turn on your heel and stomp away. You imagine you feel his eyes on you, but when you peek discreetly from the riverbank, his back is turned.
Insufferable man.
(if: $tert is 0)[Disconsolately, you wander over to where Tertia still sits with one arm around Rain's shoulders. She shows no sign of having noticed the argument. You sit beside her.
(display: "dabTears")] (elseif: $tert is 1)[Disconsolately, you wander over to where Tertia still sits with one arm around Rain's shoulders. She shows no sign of having noticed the argument. (display: "conv2Tertia")](elseif: $tert is 2)[Tertia has not returned. But she's not difficult to track. You find her standing alone by the river, gazing back into the misty forest. (display: "princeTertia")](else:)[(display: "convEndNoCliff")]
You twist out of his reach and dive. When you come up, he's still standing where you left him, head cocked.
"Please?" he asks.
[["No!" ->noBath]]
[["Oh, all right!" ->followAndreas]] He leads you downriver, wading to where the water spreads wide, meandering in lazy channels. Tall reeds grow around the marshy banks. Your toes sink in soft mud.
(set: $data's likesA to $data's likesA + 1)
"I found it when we were searching for that herb," he says. "Come!"
Through an opening in the reeds, you paddle to a bay that opens upon a small island. The undisturbed mud glimmers with flecks of gold; the bay's quiet water is warm as blood. But the island itself is heaped and mounded with emerald moss; even its little gnarled trees are heavily draped in veils of lichen like pale-green lace. Butter-yellow flowers bloom in the moss.
Andreas touches your arm, putting a finger to his lips. Then he points. Following his gaze, the mossy heaps and boulders suddenly resolve into a tumbled-down structure; too small for a building, yet too regular for coincidence.
Five steps ascend to a square; inside, a rounded boulder resolves into the head of a bearded stone giant. He sits cross-legged, eyes lowered in meditation, with a carved lotus upon each open hand.
"In ancient times, people would leave offerings for the river god." Andreas's voice is soft.
[["Lucky we do not live in such ignorant times." ->ignorantTimes]]
[["Shall we make him an offering?" ->makeAnOffering]]Andreas sighs. "People always want to own what's beautiful. Even if they can't do so without destroying its beauty."
[["Then it's my job to stop them!" ->stopThem]]
[["Are you talking about us?" ->talkingAboutUs]]He pulls you close, gazing down at you with sudden laughter in his eyes. "I'm talking about every man who ever lived, and every woman too. Yes, the animal in me wants to own you. To cage you, possess you, eat you up -- you know that. But the man understands that I can no more own what I crave than I can keep a thunderstorm in a shoebox. What's vital is intangible. So instead of caging you with baited traps, I'll lure you to my hand, and treasure every moment until you fly."
(display: "warmthAndreas")"Actually, it's private. And I do not see how my mother's identity is any concern of yours, Seline."
Your glare is unrelenting.
"Fine." (display: "showRing")You can hear the hurt in his voice: "I suppose I was foolish to think that such rustic sights might interest a woman of your sophistication."
[["I'm joking. They're truly beautiful, Andreas -- I've never seen them in the wild before." ->beautifulDrakita]]
[["The only time I want to see any wildlife is after it's cooked. Which reminds me, shouldn't we go check on that rabbit?" ->checkRabbit]]"Indeed, they are." (display: "crimeToCage")Andreas turns away, wading upstream. You clamber through the mud behind him.
(display: "swam")He wraps his arms around you, laughing as he gazes into your eyes. "And *that* is why I follow you, my Queen."
(display: "warmthAndreas")"Then you understand why I can't regret it. Even though it was wrong." His smile is warm as ever, and his gaze holds yours. "I'm not the only one who finds that being wrong isn't always regrettable, am I?"
(set: $data's likesA to $data's likesA + 1)
You flinch, painfully conscious of your reflection in his onyx-dark eyes. He might accept you unconditionally, but accepting yourself? That's not so easy.
[["No. You're not. But, Andreas..." ->butAndreas]]
[["We should get back to camp. They're probably wondering where we are." ->checkRabbit]] As you return his gaze, your self-consciousness drops away. Dappled sun bathes you in warmth, as you stand calf-deep in the gold-flecked mud. But the warmth is more than physical. You have the sensation of being wholly seen, and wholly accepted. As if there is neither anything you can conceal, nor anything you need to. (set: $data's likesA to $data's likesA + 1)
It is a strange sensation to feel from the man who kidnapped you. And even stranger that the man is Andreas -- bitter Andreas, with his acid tongue and restless, amoral cynicism. Does anyone else see his other side?
[["It was you who opened my cage, Andreas." ->openedCage]]
[["We should get back to camp. They're probably wondering where we are." ->checkRabbit]] She gives a louder snort, and her voice cracks as she speaks: "Seline, I'm sorry... it's just, your expression..."
[[Meet her eyes. ->laughWithTertia]]
[["Fine, laugh away. Let's get back to camp. And keep an eye on Rain, won't you?" ->helpAndreasRabbit]]Your eyes meet Tertia's with a painfully exquisite jolt. How long has it been since you last saw a spark of joy in her?
(set: $data's likesT to it + 3)
Her smile is contagious, and as you respond, she takes her hand from her mouth and starts to laugh in earnest.
She's always had a retiring nature, and her soft brown hair, fine-boned features and sea-grey eyes have little to hold the gaze; nothing discordant, yet nothing compelling. Even so, seeing her laugh, you feel your breath catch. Other women of the court would paint those soft lips in coral or vermilion, circle the eyes with mascara centipedes and pile the hair in flamboyant towers. Yet the delicate balance of her features needs no such crudity; the warmth of laughter alone transforms her, like sunlight upon a translucent pond.
With a pang, you realise that over the last year, that laughter has become almost extinct.
[["I've missed hearing you laugh." ->missedYourLaugh]]
[["Tertia... why did things have to change so much between us?" ->whyChange]]"Oh, I am not convinced of that, Highness. Some customs can be quaintly charming, wouldn't you agree? And others... well, others are their own reward. Do you know what the traditional offering here was, Highness?"
[["Yes." ->yesKnowOfferingDontWant]]
[["No." ->whatOffering]]Andreas's eyes widen, and an electric shudder moves through him. Then he laughs. "Do you know what the traditional offering was, Highness?"
(set: $data's likesA to $data's likesA + 1)
[["Yes." ->yesKnowOffering]]
[["No." ->whatOffering]]He stares at you. You sense the pounding of his heart. Pulling you close, he mutters huskily: "Then let us return tonight."
(set: $data's likesA to $data's likesA + 1)
Then he grins, as if dismissing a thought. "But that's not why I brought you here. Look more closely!"
(display: "drakita")"I'd be more than happy to demonstrate, Highness." Then he grins, as if dismissing a thought. "But that's not why I brought you here. Look more closely!"
(display: "drakita")You follow his gaze to a hollow in one of the trees. A soft, high-pitched chirruping emanates from there.
A small, scaly face peers out. It's delicate, almost fox-like; the nostrils flutter as the long neck cranes around. Large eyes blink sleepily.
A second face appears, jostling for space in the opening, and you glimpse a third behind.
"The babes don't have their colors yet," whispers Andreas. "But if we're lucky..."
A sudden rush of air, and the beat of wings above your head makes you flinch. But it's already past, alighting on the branch outside the hollow with clawed, jewel-bright feet.
Gold, purple and azure-green scales ripple with inner fire. As it hangs upon the hollow, it extends translucent wings to stabilize itself; a vermilion network of arteries glows where they catch the light. In its front claws it clasps a silvery fish; its sharp teeth tear away hunks of flesh and drop them into the mouths of the clamoring fledglings.
Naturally, you've seen drakita before. They're a common novelty at court parties and circuses, along with parrots, elephants and big cats. But the ones you've seen previously were dull, fat creatures with tattered wings and peeling, scabrous bodies. They were kept alone, dozing in bamboo cages, awakening only to snap viciously at anything that approached them.
The memory makes you wince.
As you watch, a second drakita swoops down, alighting on a further branch. The first one drops the fish into the hollow for the young to finish, and hops to its mate's branch. The pair bow gracefully to one another, raising and lowering coppery crests, then intertwine their necks, crooning softly. Together, they flit away across the river.
You start to breathe again.
[["So beautiful!" ->beautifulDrakita]]
[["When I am Queen, it shall be a crime to cage them." ->crimeToCage]]
[["Did you drag me through all that mud just to look at those garish reptiles?" ->reptiles]]He nods, his eyes never leaving yours.
[["This is crazy. The way you make me feel. It's an exquisite torture. Everything else -- marriage, war, the fate of kingdoms -- it all seems banal when I'm with you. Rain's my best friend. And I *am* attracted to him. But with you... well, attraction doesn't capture it. It's a tsunami. I don't want to act like an animal, controlled by mere instinct. But the thought of not feeling this way ever again... it feels like dying. Or worse, like living the rest of my life inside a coffin. How can it be wrong to want to feel alive?" ->feelAlive]]
[["I can't do this. The way you make me feel... it doesn't matter. I won't betray Rain." ->wontBetrayRain]]
[["We should get back to camp. They're probably wondering where we are." ->checkRabbit]] "Don't ask me, Seline. I will never judge you. You know that, don't you? And not just because I have no moral compass. What you feel, I feel." He clasps your hands in his, pulling you closer.
(set: $data's likesA to it + 3)
"I am *yours*, Seline. No rule, no law, no principle will ever matter beside that fact."
Your heart pounds as you gaze up at him, so close you can trace every detail in the harsh line of that ragged scar. His eyes, dark as molasses, search yours with fervent passion and unaccustomed gentleness.
[["I know." ->iKnow]]
[["Andreas, I can't do this..." ->cantDoIt]]
[[Kiss him. ->kissAndreas]]"Good."
(display: "struggleAndreas")He sighs. "Anyway, that's not why I brought you here. Look more closely!"
(display: "drakita")He nods, turning away. "You are right. This is a torturous stupidity we inflict upon each other."
He shoves the reeds aside, striding into the water.
(display: "swam")
He winces, teeth clenched. "You're right. I apologise. I spoke out of frustration, Highness, wanting to reciprocate the pain your words inflict. I had no right."
[["It's okay, Andreas. This is hard for me, too." ->hardForBoth]]
[["We should get back to camp. They're probably wondering where we are." ->checkRabbit]] A grimace tugs his scar. "Highness," he murmurs, "which of us do you think has the advantage of experience here? Oh, I know you *want* to believe that, even if your heart is impure -- and you cannot pretend otherwise, not with me -- the ideals of your relationship will give it strength. But in truth, Highness, ideals are but rules, and rules are brittle. I trust animals more. Consider the drakita, Highness. They mate for life, you know. Do you think their pairs are held together by ideals, or by passion?"
[["Animals have no choice but to act like animals. We can do better." ->betterThanAnimals]]
[["Your experiences have embittered you, Andreas. But that doesn't mean they've made you wiser. Maybe you can't imagine a truly innocent love, but that doesn't mean it can't exist." ->innocentLove]] He snorts. "The lady doth protest too much, methinks. But what would a savage like me understand? Let's get back to camp; I fear that rabbit's charred to a cinder by now." (display: "checkRabbit")He nods. "We should get back to camp."
(display: "checkRabbit")"I'm disputing the wisdom of that choice, not its existence, Seline. Come. It's time we were getting back to camp."
(display: "checkRabbit")"I didn't say I couldn't imagine an innocent love, Seline. I said it was brittle. And you're not the first to accuse me of cynicism, any more than I'm the first to accuse you of naivete. So let's set aside our differences and get back to that rabbit; I fear it's charred to a cinder by now."
(display: "checkRabbit")Andreas snorts. "That's *precisely* the attitude that makes commoners support people like her."
[["Sorry. I guess you're right. She seems so crazy, it's hard to imagine her being that successful." ->hardToImagine]]
[["You'll have to forgive my skepticism. Was she really a crime lord?" ->actuallyDoThat]]She stops laughing. "I've missed *you*."
[["What do you mean? We've hardly been apart." ->whyChange]]
[["What happened, Tertia? Why did things change so much between us?" ->whyChange]]She sighs. "Seline..."
All is quiet, but for the droning of bees in the meadow. When at last she speaks, her voice is so soft you can barely hear her.
"Ever since that time in the woods, when I was almost struck by an arrow... I've been scared."
She looks downward, fidgeting with her hands. Silence grows between you.
[["Scared of what?" ->scaredOfWhat]]
[["Oh, Tertia... I would never have let anything happen to you! Don't you know that?" ->protectTertia]](if: $andreas is 1)[Andreas is pottering about the fire. He gives you an amused look. "You look at once mystified and annoyed. Whatever did the Lady Tertia say to you?"
[["I really have no idea what her problem is. How's the rabbit?" ->howsRabbit]]
[["Ugh. Don't ask. Can I help with the cooking?" ->helpAndreas]]]
(elseif: $andreas is 2)[(display: "connectAGrump")](else:)[Tertia and Frog trail after you into camp, then hurry to where Rain lies. The outlaws are absorbed in a game of dice; Andreas gives you a lingering look.
(display: "convEndNoCliff")]The blood drains from her face. For a moment she says nothing, avoiding your eyes.
"I... I guess you're right. I won't bother you any more."
Head bowed, she trudges back toward camp. You trail after her, frowning. Sometimes, with Tertia, it seems you can't win.
(if: $andreas is 1)[Andreas is pottering about the fire. He looks from you to Tertia, who is sitting beside Rain, her face hidden, and then back at you with a raised eyebrow. "Is everything okay?"
[["Fine. We just had to talk through some issues." ->misconceptions]]
[["Ugh. Don't ask. How's the rabbit?" ->howsRabbit]]](elseif: $andreas is 2)[(display: "connectAGrump")](else:)[(display: "convEndNoCliff")]She gives a small, despairing laugh. "Seline... I don't think there *is* a perfect husband for me."
[["Well, you can't be *too* fussy. Honestly, you seem depressed. You should be happy and excited about getting married. Have you considered getting professional help?" ->depressedTertia]]
[["Then you needn't have one at all. If that's what you want, I mean. Tertia, I promise, *nobody* is going to make you marry someone you don't want. I'd be honored to have you as my handmaiden for life!" ->handmaidForLife]]She stares at you, her eyes widening in incredulous joy. "Seline...? Do you mean that? I ... I can stay with you? For... forever?"
(set: $data's likesT to it + 5)
[["Of course I mean it! Tertia, you're my dearest friend. You've stood by me through everything... even when I was an irresponsible idiot. There's nobody I want, or need by my side, the way I need you!" ->yesTertia]]
[["I do. Just remember... if you have a problem with my choices, talk to me! And I'll try to listen and understand. Okay?" ->justRemember]]"Oh, Seline." She drops to her knees, gazing up at you, her smile overflowing with wonder. Feeling awkward, you hold out your hand to pull her to her feet, but instead of standing, she grips your hands and presses them to her wet cheek. Her skin is soft as a child's.
(set: $data's likesT to it + 1)
"Thank you," she murmurs.
[["Now that's settled, we should get back to camp. You'll keep an eye on Rain, won't you?" ->watchRain]]"Of course!"
Hand in hand, you head back into camp. Tertia's step bounces, as if she can barely keep from skipping; another mannerism you haven't seen in at least a year.
She squeezes your hand before heading back to Rain.
Andreas is pottering by the fire. (if: $andreas is 1)[Seeing you, he smiles. "Looks like you two talked?"
(set: $data's likesA to it + 1)
[["Yes, we did. She was scared she'd be forced to get married. So I told her I wouldn't let that happen."->talked]]
[["Yes, we did. How's the rabbit?" ->howsRabbit]]](elseif: $andreas is 2)[(display: "connectAGrump")](else:)[As you approach, he looks up, but he's staring past you. You turn. (display: "convEndNoCliff")]He frowns, but the expression melts away as you offer him your most winning smile. After a moment, he reciprocates. (display: "smileAtAndreas")He nods. "I'm glad! For her, and for you."
(set: $data's likesA to it + 1)
[["Why?" ->whyGlad]]
[["Me too... how's the rabbit?" ->howsRabbit]]"I think you needed that as much as she did, Highness. There's no strength like that we find when we're protecting those we love."
(set: $data's likesA to it + 1)
(if: $andreas is 1)[[["Perhaps that's true." ->helpAndreas]]
[["Nonsense. How's the rabbit?" ->howsRabbit]]] (elseif: $andreas is 2)[(display: "connectAGrump")](else:)[(display: "convEndNoCliff")]Tertia gives an soft cry. "Seline, come!"
She's leaning over Rain. In a rush of panic, you hurtle to his side.
His eyes are open, blue and clear as the summer sky above. But he does not move.
(if: $humanFrog is 0)[Prince dashes into the clearing. He sits before you and gives a loud bark. You don't hesitate; if anyone can save Rain, it's him. This time, it's the merest flicker of that wet, rubbery tongue against yours. You flinch back reflexively; he does the same, giving a faint yelp. You turn back to Rain.]
She jumps to her feet and hurtles out of the clearing, sobbing. Rain stirs, frowning in his sleep, then rolls over in deeper slumber.
(if: $andreas is 1)[Andreas, pottering about the fire, gives you a bemused look. "Something you said?"
[["I guess so. She's awfully sensitive about some boyfriend or other. I'd better go after her. Keep an eye on Rain, won't you?" ->pursueTertia]]
[["Apparently she needs some alone time. How's the rabbit?" ->howsRabbit]]](elseif: $andreas is 2)[Andreas, pottering about the fire, glances up. He says nothing.
[["I'd better go after her. Keep an eye on Rain, won't you?" ->pursueTertia]]
[["Apparently she needs some alone time." ->connectAGrump]]](else:)[You bite back a swearword. Even in the afternoon sun, the Twisted Forest is no place for your handmaiden to be wandering alone.
(display: "pursueTertia")]Andreas keeps his eyes on his work, but you sense the tension in his shoulders as you approach. Steeling yourself, you march up to him.
His deliberate disregard is insulting, but it affords the opportunity to examine him, for once, without feeling pinned by that black and predatory gaze.
[[Look at him. ->lookAtAndreas]]
[[Snap out of it. ->snapOut]](if: $tert < 3)[As you clamber up the riverbank, you find Rain lying on the grass, snoring peacefully. Norvidge and Grimvold are playing dice beside a large pile of firewood. Tertia, however, is nowhere to be seen.
You suppress a curse. Even in daylight, the Twisted Forest is no place for a maiden to wander alone.](else:)[Tertia sits at Rain's side, cradling his head against her shoulder.]
(if: $tert < 3)[(display: "tert2")](else:)[(display: "convEndNoCliff")] Tertia offers you a tearful smile. "Seline, I... I don't know what else we can do for him. Do you think he'll be okay?"
[["I'm certain of it." ->reassureTertia]]
[["Only time will tell." ->dunnoTertia]]Tertia sits with bowed head, still clasping Rain's hands in hers. He looks very pale. Her sleeves are smudged with wetness, as if she's been wiping away tears.
(display: "conv2Tertia")You set out in search of Tertia. Her tracks are not hard to follow. She's standing alone by the river, gazing back into the misty forest. (display: "princeTertia")
His clear amber eyes meet yours. "I cannot be certain, Your Highness. But the remedy was taught to me by a master physician, who had used it himself in several cases."
[["I see. Thank you." ->thankFrog]]
[["So... you've never actually tried to do this before?" ->neverBefore]]He lowers his eyes. "No. But I am confident nonetheless. My tutor claimed it had never failed him. And besides, it is documented in *The Annotated Compendium of Saragaian Herbs and Remedies*, a most authoritative volume."
[["Wait. You're from Saragai? Are you a spy?" ->spySaragai]]
[["I see. Thank you." ->thankFrog]]"Since Kiaru." He sighs.
[["What did he do to her?" ->whatNyora]]
[["*She* doesn't seem to resent it." ->notResent]]"Oh, Seline. Of course I promise!" She drops to her knees, gazing up at you. Feeling awkward, you hold out your hand to pull her to her feet, but instead of standing, she grips your hands and presses them to her wet cheek. Her skin is soft as a child's.
(set: $data's likesT to it + 1)
"Thank you," she murmurs.
[["Now that's settled, we should get back to camp. You'll keep an eye on Rain, won't you?" ->watchRain]]"Are you sure?" He frowns at you, looking increasingly like his normal, skeptical self. "The beetle was talking to me..."
[["Okay, well, I guess that part wasn't real. Just rest..." ->safeNow]]
[["What did it say?" ->beetleSay]]Rain blinks, gazing up at the surrounding faces. Then his eyes focus on the auburn-haired knight. A incredulous smile spreads upon his lips. "M... Morael?"
(display: "skills")
<script>window.StrayHeirs.createChapter(11)</script>(print: "<a href=\"ch11.html\">Chapter 11</a>")He winces. "Something about a... a game? I don't recall."
[["A game?" ->aGame]]
[["Don't worry about it. Just rest, Rain." ->safeNow]]"It wanted to play a game with you..." He smiles wryly. "Makes as much sense as most of my dreams."
(display: "safeNow")At that moment, Tertia cries out. "Seline, come!"
You dash to Rain's side. Tertia and Frog are already there.
"He's awakening... and he asked for you!" explains Frog. Carefully, he wipes a damp cloth across Rain's fever-slick brow.
"S... Seline?" You can barely make out the word. Rain's face contorts; a grimace? No, he's trying to smile. His eyelids flutter, and he grips your hand tight. Then he meets your eyes again. His voice is slurred and soft. "I... I had the strangest dream. You were kidnapped. And King Torveld ordered my execution. I was running away, searching for you... and there was a... a green beetle."
[["That was no dream, Rain. All of that really happened." ->noDream]]
[["Just rest, Rain. You're safe now." ->safeNow]]Morael nods. "Of course. My brother's health must be our first concern."
As you walk away, he adds, "He will need days to rebuild his strength. I've scouted the area and found nothing to fear; I wonder if the sarcophyte keeps the area clear of other monsters. This seems as safe a place as any to camp. And I shall tell you all my sorry misadventures by firelight tonight."
[["Very well. We all need the rest." ->needRest]]
[["We don't have days. Tertia needs a healer." ->needAHealer]]Andreas scowls. "Your brother is not the only one in danger, *Prince*. Tertia's wounds are grave, and unlike Rain's, her illness remains untreated."
Morael flushes. "You chide me fairly for that, Andreas. My words were thoughtless. Let me examine the lady's injuries -- perhaps I can help."
But Tertia, when you approach, shakes her head. "I'm okay, really. Please don't worry about me."
[["Okay, if you're sure." ->notTreatTertia]]
[["Come on, Tertia. Remember what you told me about not letting people make bad choices? We have to treat this, before it gets worse." ->treatTertia]]He frowns. "Let me examine her injuries. Perhaps I can help." (set: $treat to 1)
But Tertia, when you approach, shakes her head. "I'm okay, really. Please don't worry about me."
[["Okay, if you're sure." ->notTreatTertia]]
[["Come on, Tertia. Remember what you told me about not letting people make bad choices? We have to treat this, before it gets worse." ->treatTertia]]Morael stares at her doubtfully.
Andreas shakes his head. "Tertia, don't be a fool. I cleaned the wounds, but I lack the knowledge to treat their corruption."
"My lady, will you not permit me?" Morael's voice is gentle.
(display: "treatTertia")She sighs. "I'm sure it's nothing, really." But she does not resist further.
Gently, Morael unbandages the girl's forearms; she flinches at the lightest touch. As the wounds are revealed, he recoils, and you notice his hand tremble. The smell makes your stomach turn over.
Morael gives you a meaningful look. "I'll need to gather some herbs. Will you help me, Seline?"
Wordlessly, you follow him. When you are out of earshot of the meadow, he touches your arm. His amber eyes are creased with worry. "Seline, (if: $treat is 1)[you were](else:)[Andreas was] right. I can find herbs to numb the pain, and perhaps slow the rot a little, but she should not wait to find a healer. Should the infection reach her blood, even a skilled physician may be unable to save her."
[["Then someone should set out at once. But how will we find a healer in the depths of the Twisted Forest?" ->howFindHealer]]
[["Well, we can do nothing for tonight. Rain is too weak to move, we're all exhausted, and attempting to cross the Forest in darkness would be crazy." ->notTonight]]He shakes his head, walking as he speaks. "(display: "mansplaining")Morael lets out a long breath. "I wish I could disagree. In truth, I fear for the maid, but we have little choice. (display: "mansplaining")Seline, it strikes me that a kingdom is like a forest. Things are constantly growing, competing for space in the sun; and hunters wait in the shadows to devour the unwary, and other hunters prey upon them... So a monarch is a little like a gardener, pruning here, planting there, weeding and seeding... But the forest has no ruler, and yet it's lovelier than a garden. So why do men need a ruler, Seline? What are we for?"
[["The forest might be pretty, but it's full of cruelty and suffering. A good monarch helps their people live happily and safely, as much as humans can." ->leadersLaws]]
[["Men aren't plants. People need leadership to keep civilization going, otherwise they'll just regress into anarchy." ->leadersLaws]]
[["You worry too much. You and I were born to rule, so we will. That's how people have always lived. Philosophy doesn't help us." ->noPhilosophy]]It will be dark soon, and that's no time to travel the Twisted Forest. Even together, our strength is barely enough to defend the camp... separated, we'd be easy prey. No, we can do nothing until tomorrow; I only hope Rain's strength returns with a night's rest."
He drops to one knee by the pathside, breaks off a greyish leaf, and crumples it; the scent reminds you of sage. "Nightbalm. Taken as a tea, it calms the mind and grants dreamless rest. But a poultice also soothes inflammation."
He plucks a handful of leaves.
[["Let's move quickly. The sooner we can treat Tertia the better. Besides, you still have a lot of explaining to do." ->hurryMorael]]
[["What else are you looking for?" ->whatElse]]"True." (display: "hurriedMorael")"There are several plants that may aid us. The forest is a treasury of herbs." Morael smiles. "Many are beyond my knowledge, but some we may use."
As you walk onward, he points out other plants, some of which he harvests. "When I first came here," he tells you, "all my thoughts were of vengeance and regret; I noticed little beyond my own self-pity. But the forest drew my thoughts outwards... my dog-senses could not ignore the endless variety of scents, the rustles and chirps of prey. As a man, I had always thought it a place of nightmares, Seline, and yet, as a dog I saw something *generous* in its very savagery."
[["Have you got everything you need? I'm worried about Tertia." ->hurryMorael3]]
[["So being a dog has broadened your mind?" ->broadenedMind]]"Almost." (display: "hurriedMorael")He smiles. "Perhaps so."
Suddenly he gives you a direct look, his amber eyes glowing with feeling. He speaks slowly, deliberately, as if summoning words from the deep. "Seline... you, like I, were born and raised to rule. And we know that sometimes we must make hard choices; kindness may look cruel, and serving the greater good can break our hearts. Even so, I always thought that good and evil could be *measured*, and so finding the right choice was no more complex than solving an equation. But here... tell me, is the Forest evil? Or good?"
[["We just escaped from a giant man-eating fungus, and you're asking if it's evil?" ->evil]]
[["Umm, both?" ->both]]
[["Good and evil aren't concepts you can apply to nature. They're only relevant to people." ->justNature]]He smiles. "I would have said the same thing, a few months ago. But even the sarcophyte, Seline... did you not wonder why it pulled Rain in, but pushed the rest of us away? It's a predator, but like most natural predators, it takes no more than it needs. Men are worse, I think... our cravings for power are insatiable."
He hesitates. "(display: "kingdomForest")"Ah, but how do you disentangle them? And should you even try? (display: "kingdomForest")"But can we even apply them to people?... (display: "kingdomForest"){
(if: $show_roll_details is 1)[$recorded_skill_name: (print: ($recorded_ability).toFixed(1)) | Difficulty: (print: ($recorded_difficulty).toFixed(1)) | Roll: $roll | (if: $roll is 20)[Natural 20 = Automatic success](elseif: $roll is 1)[Natural 1 = Automatic failure](else:)[Total = (print: ($recorded_ability).toFixed(1)) + $roll = (print: ($total).toFixed(1)) | (print: ($total).toFixed(1))(if: $success is true)[ >= ](else:)[ < ](print: ($recorded_difficulty).toFixed(1))]]
(link: "Show roll details?")[(set: $show_roll_details to 1)
(replace: ?roll_details)[(display: "Roll_details")]
}He nods. "So I have always believed. But this place makes me conscious of the limits of my wisdom. Is it not too convenient to think that power can be justified thus? And when I choose for my people, do I truly have their best interests at heart? Or am I driven by pride, or fear? How do I know?"
[["You just do the best you can. That's what everyone does. We're no different, we just try to play our part. If you refused the throne, would your kingdom be better off? Of course not! It would be chaos." ->hurry2]]
[["Oh, come on, Morael! All this navel-gazing won't help Tertia." ->hurry2]]Double-click this passage to edit it.He shakes his head, as if to clear away a fog. "You're right, of course. And I believe we have found all we can here. But thank you for letting me speak, Seline. It's rare I find someone with whom I can share these rambling thoughts. Especially since I became a dog."
(display: "returnWithLeaves")(display: "dice")(set: $data's persuade to it + 1)
(if: $success is true)["I cannot deny that. Perhaps you *should* know. And she did choose to involve herself; the truth is the least she owes you."
(display: "nyStory")](else:)[He shakes his head. "Old gossip will not save your life, Seline."
[[(set: $difficulty to (20 - $data's likesA/4))(set: $skill_name to "Persuade")(display: "makeDice"): "I respect that you dislike gossip, Andreas. But you've said yourself that you cannot fathom Kiaru. And Nyora, whatever you may feel for her, is still free -- and determined to instigate war. I don't think we can afford to keep secrets." ->noHiding]]
[["Forget it. I wanted to ask you about something else. Kiaru said something about you, on the ride to Greyshard. He does not believe you are a Khargaian baker's child, even though you do. What do you think he meant?" ->noBaker]]]His eyes flash dangerously, mirroring your anger with dark fire.
(if: $AndreasGrumpy is 1)["Old gossip will not save your life, Seline."](else:)[Then, suddenly, he grins, and blood rushes to your cheeks as you realize he's once again mocking you.
"Jealousy, Highness? I'm flattered. But I do not see that old gossip will save your life."]
[[(set: $difficulty to (20 - $data's likesA/4))(set: $skill_name to "Persuade")(display: "makeDice"): "I respect that you dislike gossip, Andreas. But you've said yourself that you cannot fathom Kiaru. And Nyora, whatever you may feel for her, is still free -- and determined to instigate war. I don't think we can afford to keep secrets." ->noHiding]]
[["Forget it. I wanted to ask you about something else. Kiaru said something about you, on the ride to Greyshard. He does not believe you are a Khargaian baker's child, even though you do. What do you think he meant?" ->noBaker]](display: "dice")(set: $data's persuade to it + 1)
(if: $success is true)["I suppose you may be right. And she did choose to involve herself; the truth is the least she owes you."
(display: "nyStory")](else:)["You will have to take my word, then, that the answer is immaterial to your problems. Was there something else you wanted?"
[["Never mind. Kiaru said something about you, on the ride to Greyshard. He does not believe you are a Khargaian baker's child, even though you do. What do you think he meant?" ->noBaker]]]He takes a deep breath. "I told you, did I not, how Kiaru was a hero to the street children of Stelgarte? He would vanish for months, then swoop in one lonely night, laden with gifts and fine stories.
Nyora worshipped him. Oh, we all did... we waited like dogs for him, never knowing when he would arrive, or if we'd live to see it. But Nyora was different. We just tried to survive, but *she* had ambition. She organized us. She taught us to fight together, instead of alone, to plan and think ahead. We'd wake before dawn to rush a laden wagon on the road, or beat a rival gang to a pulp, expanding our territory. We made treaties and dealt in smoke, and when it suited us, we broke treaties to grow our little empire of the streets.
But all that time, Nyora had another ambition. When Kiaru returned one night, she was waiting. She'd washed and combed her hair to molten silver, and she wore a child's silken skirt she'd stolen at the market, though she was no child. I saw how Kiaru looked into her eyes, and I feared for her. He took her hand with a smile, and led her away into the dark."
Andreas falls silent, his expression sombre.
[["He seduced her?"->seducedNyora]]
[["I see. That reminds me. Kiaru said something about you, on the ride to Greyshard. He does not believe you are a Khargaian baker's child, even though you do. What do you think he meant?" ->noBaker]]He snorts. "If you're calling me a hypocrite, you're right. There *is* some part of me that shares Nyora's fantasies. To burn it all down, to sweep away the corruption that plagues your realm at every level. But the man in me understands that what she would create is no better, and the price would be terrible beyond imagining."
(set: $data's likesA to it + 1)
[["Then what do you want? Would you change things, if you could?" ->wouldChangeThings]]
[["I wasn't calling you a hypocrite. I just wanted to understand your perspective." ->perspective]]He meets your eyes, taking a deep breath. "Yes. Perhaps you cannot fully understand the darkness of our lives. We were garbage, detritus, never noticed without loathing; how we suffered and died was no concern of anyone's. Does it surprise you that contempt taught us to hate? What mercy does anyone deserve, if to the best you are invisible and the worst persecute you?"
(set: $data's likesA to it + 1)
He pauses. "I regret my past, Highness. But I will not deny it. I *am* a violent animal. Had you met me then... But then is not now. That was years ago. Since we were driven into the forest, I've known peace of a sort. Nyora still loves her power games, but she's played them at a distance, and had no need to confide in me."
[["How did you all end up in the Twisted Forest?" ->howForest]]
[["How could you support her?" ->despisePolitics]]Andreas scratches his chin. "Hmm. I know myself unqualified to make such choices, Highness. If I were ruler, I'd do what I could to make things better for the common people. For those the world ignores and crushes. Injustice irks me, and how can it be just that an accident of birth should determine the whole course of a man's life? But what *exactly* would I do? I am just barely wise enough to know that I don't know."
(set: $data's likesA to it + 1)
[["Are you absolutely certain you're not developing a conscience?" ->conscience]]
[["I suppose your family history would make it hard to ignore inequalities." ->inequalitiesMom]]He sighs. "My apologies, Highness. It's all too easy to hear in the words of others that which we fear in ourselves."
(set: $data's likesA to it + 1)
[["Are you absolutely certain you're not developing a conscience?" ->conscience]]
[["So how would you change things, if you could?" ->wouldChangeThings]]
[["Kiaru said something about you once. On the ride to Greyshard. He said he does not believe you are a baker's child, even though you do. What do you think he meant?" ->noBaker]]He grins. "Don't be absurd! I have a sense of pride, which is another thing entirely."
(set: $data's likesA to it + 2)
[["Kiaru said something about you once. On the ride to Greyshard. He said he does not believe you are a baker's child, even though you do. What do you think he meant?" ->noBaker]]
[["I suppose your family history would make it hard to ignore inequalities." ->inequalitiesMom]]"You say that as if they *should* be ignored. Should I not resent injustice? Should I be indifferent to the suffering of those I love?"
(set: $data's likesA to it + 1)
[["Well, no, but you might be happier if you didn't fret about things you can't change." ->dontFret]]
[["That's not what I meant. What happened to your mother was awful -- it should never be forgotten." ->neverForget]]His eyes meet yours, dark and liquid, reflecting flames. "I don't *seek* to be happy, Seline. I *am* happy, or I am not. Were I to strive against my nature, I would be profoundly conflicted, and therefore unhappy."
(set: $data's likesA to it + 1)
[["Did you ever wonder if the stories we hear of the past are really true?" ->knowPast]]
[["Kiaru said he does not believe you are a baker's child. He said that he was able to discover who you really are, by asking the right question. Naturally, he didn't tell me the question." ->rightQuestion]]He nods. "I cannot change the past. But so long as dark memories fuel the will to make the future better, I will not forget."
[["Did you ever wonder if the stories we hear of the past are really true?" ->knowPast]]
[["Even if it makes you unhappy?" ->dontFret]]He frowns. "What are you talking about? The bitter history of our lands is well-documented. Even supposing my mother's story were a lie, it would still have happened to other women, and that's reason enough for anger."
[["True. How much *do* you remember about your mother? The reason I ask is that Kiaru said he can't believe she was a baker." ->whatMom]]
[["Kiaru said he does not believe you are a baker's child. He said that he was able to discover who you really are, by asking the right question. Naturally, he didn't tell me the question." ->rightQuestion]]"About hunting you down and selling you to the sorcerer? No. None whatsoever. (if: $toldANSaved is 1)[Whatever she felt for you in that moment, she's already committed to it, and by all accounts, the sorcerer does not take kindly to contract-breakers. And I doubt any sentiment or principle could overcome her ruthless ambition, or her jealousy."](else:)[First off, she's already committed to it, and by all accounts, the sorcerer does not take kindly to contract-breakers. Second, she hates you on principle, simply for being royalty. Third, she hates you personally, because I chose you over her. The more you suffer, the happier she'll be."]
[["How could you be with someone like her?" ->howBeWith]]
[["I don't understand. How does she think she can become Queen?" ->howQueen]]"I'm not." He meets your eyes steadily. "I was not always who I am now. And she was not always as you see her now. What Kiaru did... changed her."
[["What *did* he do?" ->whatNyora]]
[["She doesn't seem to resent it." ->notResent]]
[[(set: $difficulty to (20 - $data's likesA/4))(set: $skill_name to "Charm")(display: "makeDice"): "How have you changed?" ->howChangedAndreas]]In his eyes, you glimpse something building, the unstoppable urgency of a gathering storm. Your body trembles like leaves in the gale.
(set: $data's likesA to it + 3)
The storm breaks; his hands tighten around your ribs. You step backwards, gasping. His hand slides up your back, cupping the nape of your neck, drawing you close. Then his mouth is on yours, hard and sweet; his tongue seeks yours, and his fingers twine with yours, holding you, moving you up the mossy bank to where the god's feet stand.
Then he leans away, though his hands are still iron upon yours, and his eyes locked upon you. "Seline, you know how badly I want you. To feel and taste every inch of your body, to (if: $settings's censored is 0)[enter you and] claim you for my own, and let you claim me likewise. I'd kill any man who tried to stop us. Tell me that's what you want, and it's yours. Whatever the consequences, whatever the future, this moment is *ours* to choose."
[["I want you, Andreas." ->wantYou]]
[["Andreas, we have to stop." ->noStopAndreas]]You glimpse something building in him, the unstoppable urgency of a gathering storm. Your body trembles like a leaf in the gale. Lightly, your lips meet his, soft and delicate, exquisitely craving, yet hesitant, uncertain.
(set: $data's likesA to it + 3)
He does not hesitate. The storm breaks; his hands tighten around your ribs. You step backwards, gasping. His mouth is on yours, hard and sweet; his tongue seeks yours, and his fingers twine with yours, holding you, moving you up the mossy bank to where the god's feet stand.
Then he pauses, though his hands are still iron upon yours, and his eyes black with hunger.
[[Say nothing. ->wantYou]]
[["Andreas, we have to stop." ->noStopAndreas]]Leaves flutter in the afternoon breeze, and the stone god watches from above, impassive.
(set: $data's likesA to it + 10)
(if: $settings's censored is 0)[You gasp as Andreas leans over you, his eyes still locked upon yours. One fist bunches in the front of your dress; you feel the bindings part. His hand on your nipple, roughly teasing, jolts like an electric shock; your back arches. He pushes you down on the emerald moss, pinning you helplessly between his muscular thighs, and rips aside the thin fabric, then runs his hands up and down your ribs, moaning your name. You gasp. Lowering his face to your chest, he licks and gently bites at your nipples. Each moment triggers a more intense wave, making your body writhe against his, your mind overwhelmed with pleasure so exquisite it's indistinguishable from pain.
Then his mouth moves lower, his tongue circling your navel, teeth nipping at your belly, until he strokes the damp and silky hair beneath. For a moment, his eyes meet yours, hungry as a wolf's; then he begins to lick, and you cry out. The soft, rhythmic touch is almost unbearable in sheer intensity; you pull away reflexively, but he pursues you mercilessly, his tongue probing deeper, his hands steadying the shuddering of your body until every moment is an explosion of ecstasy, all thoughts drowned out by relentless pleasure.
[[Continue ->yesFuck]]
[["Andreas... we have to stop!" ->noFuck]]](else:)[Afterwards, you lie holding him close, limbs entangled, drenched in warm intimacy. You feel like you could stay here for eternity, on this bed of moss by the feet of the stone god. All you want and need is this man.
Slowly, his eyes focus on you. He smiles, a gentle, calm smile unlike any expression you've seen on him before. In that smile, you see a peace and contentment in the moment that matches your own; an affection steady as ever, yet freed from hunger.
"Seline." His voice is soft, the harsh consonants a tiger-tongued caress.
[["Andreas." ->andreas]]
[["We'd better get back to camp." ->backToCamp]]]He releases your hands, stepping back. He's breathing hard, but his face is at once a mask of self-control.
"You are right, Highness. There is no future in that path, only mutual pain."
(display: "checkRabbit")At first he moves slowly, as if afraid to hurt you. The sudden gentleness is torment; you wrap your legs around him. He gasps, holding back; then, as you writhe and push against him, he thrusts inside you. The pain lasts only a moment; your body clings to him, your back arching, pulling him deeper and faster, and making you both moan in ecstatic rhythm.
With every thrust, the rhythm builds, coalescing until thought dissolves and every nerve sparks with pleasure intense as agony. You barely hear yourself cry out, yielding your body to him unconditionally, wanting only for this ecstasy to never end. (set: $data's sedA to 1)
(set: $data's likesA to $data's likesA + 1)
When the tide of pleasure recedes, you lie holding him close, limbs entangled, drenched in warm intimacy. You feel like you could stay here for eternity, on this bed of moss by the feet of the stone god. All you want and need is this man.
Slowly, his eyes focus on you. He smiles, a gentle, calm smile unlike any expression you've seen on him before. In that smile, you see a peace and contentment in the moment that matches your own; an affection steady as ever, yet freed from hunger.
"Seline." His voice is soft, the harsh consonants a tiger-tongued caress.
[["Andreas." ->andreas]]
[["We'd better get back to camp." ->backToCamp]]He stands, and stumbles away, wiping his face. You reassemble your clothes; they're only marginally more bedraggled than before.
Andreas is breathing hard, but when he looks at you again, his expression is a mask of self-control.
"You are right, Highness. There is no future in that path, only mutual pain."
(display: "checkRabbit")"I want you to know..."
[["Yeah, I know. You have to be free, like the drakita. It's okay, I get it." ->freedom]]
[[Wait. ->wait]]He opens his mouth, then closes it, as if holding back words. "You're right. Let's go back."
(display: "swam")He gives a short, harsh laugh, shaking his head. "That's not at all where I was going. What I was going to say was..." (display: "wait")He takes a deep breath. "Seline, I love you. It makes no damned sense. But I can't stop."
[["I know." ->loveYouToo]]
[["I love you too." ->loveYouToo]]
[["Andreas, I'm honored that you feel that way. You are very special to me as well." ->special]] "Here," he says. His hand moves over yours, pressing a small, hard circle against your palm.
(set: $data's likesA to $data's likesA + 10)
You hesitate.
"I want you to have it," he says, softly. "It doesn't mean anything beyond that."
[["Andreas, I can't..." ->cantTakeRing]]
[["Thank you." ->thanksAndreas]]He winces. "I understand, Highness. You are trying to be kind, so thank you. We should return to the camp."
(display: "checkRabbit")"Seline... just forget what I said. It was a mistake. And it's better not to think about it. Please?"
[["Okay... if you're sure..." ->okayNotThink]]
[["Tertia... what you told me... I know it's important to you. I don't think I can forget about it. And I don't want to." ->cantForget]] "Seline... I, I'm glad we got to talk. Even though I... I know things can't ever be the same between us." Hesitantly, she raises her head to meet your gaze; despite the red and swollen rims, her eyes are steady and serious.
[["Are you sure?" ->okayNotThink]]
[["Is there something you want to talk about?" ->cantForget]]Returning to camp, you find the rabbit well done and cooling upon a rock. (if: $tert < 3)[Rain is lying on the grass, snoring peacefully; Norvidge and Grimvold are playing dice beside a large pile of firewood. Tertia is nowhere to be seen.
Andreas swears curtly. "We'd better find her. The Twisted Forest is no place for a maid to wander alone, even in daylight."](else:)[Tertia sits at Rain's side, cradling his head against her shoulder.]
(if: $tert < 3)[(display: "tert2")](else:)[(display: "convEndNoCliff")]She dabs at her eyes, then raises them to meet yours. They are rimmed in red and bloodshot, painfully bright against pale skin. "I'm fine, really. Please don't worry about me."
[["Are you sure?" ->okayNotThink]]
[["Is there something we need to talk about? Because, if there is - just tell me already? Okay?" ->cantForget]]Returning to camp, you find the rabbit well done and cooling upon a rock. (if: $tert < 3)[Rain is lying on the grass, snoring peacefully; Norvidge and Grimvold are playing dice beside a large pile of firewood. Tertia is nowhere to be seen.
You suppress a curse. Even in daylight, the Twisted Forest is no place for a maiden to wander alone.](else:)[Tertia sits at Rain's side, cradling his head against her shoulder.]
(if: $tert < 3)[(display: "tert2")](else:)[(display: "convEndNoCliff")]She shrinks under the battery of words. "Seline... I -- I'm sorry. I just... I've caused so much trouble, and I, I thought it might be better if I..." She trails off.
[["If you what?" ->ifKilled]]
[["If you got yourself killed?" ->ifKilled]]
[["Oh, Tertia! Please don't say that! Don't you know, I couldn't bear it if anything happened to you!" ->dearTertia]]"If I just, well... *disappeared*." She says the word very softly. "Then you'd never have to worry about me again."
[["Oh, Tertia! Please don't say that! Don't you know, I couldn't bear it if anything happened to you!" ->dearTertia]]
[["Right. And you thought we wouldn't waste precious time and put ourselves in danger searching for you." ->dangerTertia]]She emits a strangled sob. "Oh, Seline. You... you can't know what that means to me..." (set: $data's likesT to it + 3)
[["Tertia... are you okay?" ->okayTertia]]
[["What's wrong, Tertia? Is there any way I can help?" ->canIHelp]]
[["Okay. But next time, do *try* to be more sensible." ->beSensible]]From a fold of his cloak he removes a smallish bottle, unstoppers it and passes it to you. "Share this with me?"
The scent wafts upward, honey and fire.
Andreas snorts at your expression. "It's mead. Rather a fine one."
[[Take a sip. ->sipMead]]
[["No thanks." ->noThanksMead]]She sighs. "Seline, I... I'm sorry. You're right, I wasn't thinking straight, and I made things worse. Again."
[["What's wrong, Tertia? Is there any way I can help?" ->canIHelp]]
[["Okay. But next time, do try to be more sensible." ->beSensible]]She rubs her hand across her eyes, dashing away fresh tears. (set: $data's likesT to it + 1)(if: $tert is 2)[(display: "forgetIt")](else:)[(display:"firstLastTert")]She nods miserably. "I'll try."
(if: $tert is 2)[(display: "forgetIt")](else:)[(display:"firstLastTert")]Norvidge peers at you curiously from beneath his hat as he brushes the horses' towering sides. "Eh, Highness?"
[["Hey, Norvidge. May I ask you a question?" ->askQuestion]]
[["How's it going, Norvidge?" ->howNorvidge]]"Of course, yer 'ighness." He lays down his brush.
[["I wanted to ask you about Nyora and Kiaru. Andreas hinted that Kiaru did something terrible to her, but nobody seems to want to talk about it." ->askNorvidgeKiaru]]
[["How are you doing?" ->howNorvidge]]
[["I was just wondering, how did you come to join Nyora's gang?" ->howJoinNorvidge]]
"Eh, well enough. The horses are weary, Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.(display: "dice")(set: $data's charm to it + 1)
(if: $success is true)[His smile is wry. "Well, I *could* say the influence of a woman who challenged me to the core and exceeded every dream I've ever held. I never thought I'd be so spellbound as to swear my service to a Queen." He hesitates, then meets your eyes more seriously.
"But in truth, I changed before I met you, Seline. I was a callous teen and no stranger to bloodlust. Yet seeing how Nyora was turned to cruelty, how her lackeys became no more than a pack of salivating wolves at her call... I knew I wanted a different path. *That* repelled me."
[["Why? You were already a criminal, why would that bother you?" ->whyRepulse]]
[["What *did* Kiaru do to Nyora?" ->whatNyora]]](else:)["If it's all the same to you, Seline, I'd rather not discuss it."
[["Never mind. Kiaru said something about you, on the ride to Greyshard. He does not believe you are a Khargaian baker's child, even though you do. What do you think he meant?" ->noBaker]]]"I did not choose crime because I loved cruelty, Seline. I chose it because I saw no reason to abide by the laws of kings who cared nothing for justice or mercy. For those like me, born without power or money, the law offered nothing better than starvation or slavery. So I chose freedom over tyranny. But Nyora's style of lawlessness liberates nobody, not even her followers. Especially since Kiaru..." He sighs.
[["What *did* he do to her?" ->whatNyora]]
[["Kiaru said something about you, on the ride to Greyshard. He does not believe you are a Khargaian baker's child, even though you do. What do you think he meant?" ->noBaker]]"I would not kill a man merely to restore my human form. But if the act may bring to justice one who has earned his fate a thousand times over, neither will I shirk it. Let's talk more of this later."
(display: "tryRemedy")Frog takes a deep breath. "It is a fair question, Highness. And you have my word, I shall answer that and all your other questions. Later. For now, we have work to do."
(display: "tryRemedy")You rush to Rain's side and put your arm around his shoulders. His shirt is soaked in sweat, the skin cool and clammy. He sways and leans into your touch.
"Seline..." he murmurs. His lips twitch in a shaky grimace; then he abruptly slumps sideways. Tertia is there; she lets him drape across her lap, offering you a worried smile. Rain's eyelids flutter, but then his breathing grows regular. After a minute, he begins to snore.
You stroke the sweat-dampened hair, black as raven-wings.
(display: "afterRemedy")Tertia puts her arm around him, lowering him carefully to rest his head in her lap. Rain's eyelids flutter, but then his breathing grows regular. After a minute, he begins to snore.
Tertia offers you a worried smile.
You stroke the sweat-dampened hair, black as raven-wings.
(display: "afterRemedy")Frog looks at you. "He'll be weakened for some hours; best you make camp here tonight. Now, I must away."
Andreas frowns. "This area is strange to me. We'd be safer returning toward the road."
"Not necessarily." Frog shakes his head. "I'll scout the area before I return. There are *some* advantages to being a dog."
Andreas's eyes narrow. "As you no doubt observed at Seline's bedside."
"I had to protect her!"
"I see," replies Andreas, still staring at him coolly.
"Yes. Er... I'll be going now." Frog hastily retreats into the bushes.
Andreas's eyes follow him, obsidian-hard. If he had hackles, they would have been raised.
Norvidge's eyes narrow as he looks at Andreas. Then he glances at Grimvold. "We'll be needing more logs shortly. Think ye Andreas and the lady can keep the fire burning while we gather some?"
Grimvold snorts. "Aye. Let's hope they don't burn down the forest ere we return." They set out.
Andreas looks at you. "Want to help me cook dinner? My *dog* caught a rabbit earlier."
[["Okay." ->helpAndreas]]
[["I think I'd better help Tertia take care of Rain." ->helpTertiaRain]]The flavor surprises you. Your first impression is of honey, warm and comforting; then of smoky tendrils wending through the sweetness; and then you feel the fire of it, warming you from belly to throat, followed by a lingering piquancy.
(set: $data's likesA to it + 1)
Andreas looks smug. "A donation from a fat-fingered merchant we met on the road to Stelgarte. He kept it hidden under his seat, but we persuaded him to share." He lifts the flask to his own lips, closing his eyes to savor the wine.
(if: (history:) contains "howFindUs")[(display: "onRiverbank")](elseif: (history:) contains "justTalk")[(display: "talkTalk")](else:)[(display: "tellStoryAndreas")]He shrugs. "Your loss, Highness." He lifts the flask to his lips.
(if: (history:) contains "howFindUs")[(display: "onRiverbank")](elseif: (history:) contains "justTalk")[(display: "talkTalk")](else:)[(display: "tellStoryAndreas")]
"In the darkness and confusion of battle, we did not at first realize that Nyora and her lackeys had arrived. By the time we understood, it was too late -- you and Rain had vanished. Nyora's men dispatched the last of the prison guards, then fled into the tunnels. We tracked her as far as the river, but had no boat to follow."
Andreas pauses, scratching at his scar. "It troubles me. I do not know how she could navigate the Darkvein with such confidence..."
He takes another swig from the flask, then hacks moodily at the rabbit again. "Anyhow, the castle was still in confusion, and it appears nobody had told the gate guards to detain us. So we slipped out and made our way toward the tunnel exits we knew of in the Twisted Forest. Then Prince -- err, Frog -- picked up your tracks."
[["Is something wrong?" ->onRiverbank]]
[["We need to plan our next move." ->planNextMove]] Hesitantly, she meets your eyes. "Of... well, of everything. But most of all, of losing you. (display: "sheltered")(set: $data's likesT to it + 1)Tertia shakes her head. "That's not what I meant. It wasn't *safety* I was worried about." She hesitates, then continues: "(display: "sheltered")I... I guess I was too sheltered before. I woke up to a different world."
(set: $data's likesT to it + 1)
She dabs at her eyes. "I know I must let go of -- of the dreams of childhood. But what else do I have? We'll both be married soon... probably to strangers. And I'll be sent away from you, to live in his house and bear his children." Her voice grows slower as she speaks, each word heavier than the last.
"It's just growing up, I guess. I know it's always been this way, and it will be... whatever it will be. I can't change anything. I must simply accept it, and then the pain will end. But I don't know how to do that any more! When I think of our past, it's filled with sunlight and color, and then I look to the future, and everything... everything is grey."
Tertia's face crumples, and she cringes away, sobbing.
[["Tertia... honestly, you seem depressed. You should be happy and excited about getting married. Have you considered getting professional help?" ->depressedTertia]]
[["Tertia, it'll be okay, I promise. Don't be afraid! Your parents love you dearly, I'm sure they'll find the perfect husband for you. And if they try to make you marry some ugly old geezer, they'll have me to answer to!" ->perfectHusband]]
[["*That's* what you've been worrying about? Tertia, I promise, nobody is sending you away! And nobody is making you marry anyone you don't want to. As far as I'm concerned, you're my handmaid for life!" ->handmaidForLife]]You watch the bunched muscles of his shoulders stretch the fabric of his shirt, strong and sensuous, sliding over broad bones as he works. In the afternoon sun, his skin has the tint of copper, and his shaggy mane gleams.
(set: $data's likesA to it + 1)
Still he does not acknowledge you.
You can smell him, fresh sweat and that strange musk that makes your heart pound.
*So what?* You don't have to forgive him just because his scent intoxicates you.
(display: "snapOut")You stomp closer. Arms folded, you glare down at him with narrowed eyes.
Slowly, he raises his face. His eyes meet yours.
"Seline," he says. "You were right. I did not wish to face the truth."
[["What do you mean?" ->whatMeanAndreasApology]]
[["I know. I get it. It's not cool between us. But I know you're trying." ->knowYoureTryingAndreas]]
[["Forget it, Andreas. I don't owe you absolution, and I'm not interested in hearing how guilty you feel. If you want forgiveness, ask a priest!" ->noForgivenessAndreas]]His gaze remains steady. "I earned your hatred, and I never apologized. Let me do so now. I *was* wrong. I presumed... too much. Especially with regard to your feelings. I would not act thus again."
(set: $data's likesA to it + 1)
[["I know that, Andreas. But you cannot change the past. What's done is done. And we all must live with the consequences." ->noForgivenessAndreas]]
[["I know. I... I guess I needed to hear you say that. I'm not angry any more." ->notAngryAndreas]]
[["Well... to be honest, you weren't entirely mistaken about my feelings. It's... complicated." ->complicatedFeelings]]"I understand. I do not expect you to forgive me. Will you allow me to speak?"
[["What do you mean?" ->whatMeanAndreasApology]]
[["No. I'm not interested in hearing about your emotions." ->noForgivenessAndreas]]He nods, wincing. His voice is even, controlled. "As you wish. Then what is it you wished to talk about?"
(set: $data's likesA to 0)
[["We need to plan our next move." ->planNextMove]]
[["We have to get Tertia to a healer. The wounds on her wrists are infected." ->infectedWounds]]He bows his head. "Thank you, Seline."
(set: $data's likesA to it + 5)(set: $AndreasGrumpy to 0)
For a minute or two, you are both silent, but his movements seem lighter, as if a burden has been lifted from his heart.
[["We need to plan our next move." ->planNextMove]]
[["We have to get Tertia to a healer. The wounds on her wrists are infected." ->infectedWounds]]"Of course, Highness." (display: "howFindAndreas")After a minute, he sighs.
[["Is something wrong?" ->somethingWrong]]
[["We need to plan our next move." ->planNextMove]]
(if: (history:) contains "howFindUs")[](else:)[[["How did you find us, Andreas?" ->tellStoryAndreas]]]He shakes his head. "No, not really. Just that what happened in Greyshard hurt my pride. And I should welcome such correction, but I don't."
(display: "onRiverbank")"As you wish, Highness. I'll leave you to your bath, then."
A few minutes later, much refreshed, you clamber up the muddy bank to dry yourself by the fire.
(display: "swamAlone")He nods. "What's between us is real... it's more real than anything else in the world to me, actually. But that cannot justify what I did."
(set: $data's likesA to it + 2)
[["That's true. And you cannot change the past. What's done is done, and we all must live with the consequences." ->noForgivenessAndreas]]
[["I... I guess I needed to hear you say that. I'm not angry any more." ->notAngryAndreas]] A shiver runs through your core as he stares at you like a cat that's cornered a fledgling.
Slowly, he stalks toward you, smiling. "Is that so? Then by all means, Highness, explain my position to me."
He's looming over you, eyes black with hunger, sharp teeth gleaming. Your heart pounds.
[["I am your Queen, Andreas, and you will obey me!" ->obeyMe2]]
[[Draw your sword. ->drawSword2]] He laughs delightedly. "Oh, you *do* like to play rough, don't you? I'm sure you won't mind if I reciprocate, then."
With one hand, he swipes casually at your blade. You step back, tightening your grip.
[["Try me." ->tryMe]]
[["I am your Queen, Andreas, and you will obey me!" ->obeyMe2]]Hand in hand, you wade back through the river, separating as you pass among the tall reeds.
(display: "swam")You hand the ring back.
He nods. "I understand, Highness."
(display: "checkRabbit")His eyes shining with emotion, Andreas leans close and kisses you tenderly upon the lips. Your eyes close, yielding once more to the ecstatic ache awakening in your core. (if: $settings's censored is 0)[This time, his touch is delicate and gentle, teasing and exploring your body with exquisite finesse, until the very softness becomes a torment and you roll and straddle him, pulling him into you with a hunger as fierce as his own.
(set: $data's gotRing to 1)(set: $data's likesA to $data's likesA + 1)]
When at last the waves recede again, you lie suspended in wordless, timeless perfection, utterly spent and sated, resting your head upon his warm chest.
A chill breeze touches your hair. Opening your eyes, you realize the sun has dropped almost to the horizon.
[[It's time to go. ->timeGo]]He nods. "I understand." His eyes meet yours again, still gentle.
"Here," he says. His hand moves over yours, pressing a small, hard circle against your palm.
You hesitate.
"Please. I want you to have it," he says, softly. "It doesn't mean anything beyond that."
[["Andreas, I can't..." ->cantTakeRingNoSex]]
[["Thank you." ->thanksAndreasNoSex]]You hand the ring back.
He nods. "I understand, Highness."
(display: "checkRabbit")You grip the warm metal tightly in your palm. (set: $data's gotRing to 1) (display: "checkRabbit")"It was eighteen minutes at most. The dog can't count." (display: "howFindAndreas")"Yes, my Queen." His smile has vanished; his eyes gleam like obsidian as they meet yours, but you see no trace of sarcasm. "Seline, I am always yours to command."
(display: "watersLovely")"I intend to, Highness."
He flexes his broad shoulders, eyes aglow with malicious anticipation. You stare back uncompromisingly, waiting for his move.
He raises his hands mockingly. "Aren't you going to stab me, Highness? As you can see, I'm entirely unarmed - and undefended. Why not finish me off?"
[[Attack. ->attackAndreas]]
[[Shake your head. ->dontAttackAndreas]]You stare at him, every muscle tight with readiness. His eyes never stray. You make a quick feint. For a split-second, it draws his gaze; you use the moment to slash at his unprotected arm.
(set: $data's fight to it + 3)
He spins away, and as the stroke descends, his hand clamps upon your wrist. He pushes you backward effortlessly onto the sward. You clamber to your feet.
"Keep trying, Highness. I'm in no hurry."
His mocking tone is too much to bear. You rush at him, thrusting at the tight muscles of his abdomen. He steps aside gracefully.
Again and again you strike at him; again and again, he eludes your blows by a hairsbreadth or less. His grin grows ever wider, and fury makes your swings ever wilder.
At last you stand still, panting, too exhausted to lift your blade again.
Andreas is breathing hard too, but his eyes are bright and his poise as deft as ever. "Do you concede, Highness? Or shall I master you by force?"
[["Okay, you win." ->youWin]]
[["Never!" ->neverConcede]]He sighs. "You used to be easier to goad, Highness. Must I resort to violence to amuse you?"
Something flicks at the periphery of your sight. Inadvertently, your gaze darts sideways. It's only a pebble, kicked by Andreas.
As you register that fact, his hand closes on your wrist. You twist aside, but your grip loosens, and he plucks the sword from your hand as he pushes you backward. You land on your back on soft grass. Andreas stands over you, one foot on your chest, touching your blade to your throat.
"This isn't the first time I've defeated you, Highness. Perhaps it's time I claimed the spoils of victory."
[["Fine, you can have my share of rabbit." ->rabbitShare]]
[["Perhaps it is." ->perhaps]]He doesn't laugh. His eyes gleam like obsidian, flickering over your skin. He's breathing deeply, hungrily. "I want more than rabbit, Highness."
[["What do you want? ->whatWantAndreas]]
[["Then you're out of luck. Rabbit's all you get." ->rabbitsAll]]He tosses the sword aside and drops to his knees, straddling your body. You gasp as his thighs grip your torso, and cry out in shock - not at his actions, but at the way your body melts to accommodate his brutal touch.
(set: $data's likesA to it + 3)
He chuckles. "So, what part shall I enjoy first? Perhaps those delectable little fingers?"
You flail at him, but he captures your hands, pressing one to the sward. The other he raises to his lips. Softly they brush your knuckles, then his teeth nip along the back of your hand. Something surges inside you, an ache of yearning for a touch as yet unknown.
His mouth closes around your forefinger, softly licking and suckling. The unexpected gentleness is nigh unbearable. You stare up at him, heart pounding with a hunger so intense it's indistinguishable from terror.
His eyes, wide and black, meet yours. In their depths you sense a swirling chaos, a tornado of cruelty and tenderness with something entirely different at its core.
With a last kiss upon your palm, he releases you. "I shall claim the rest of my prize shortly, Highness."
He stands, stretching, gazing down at your disheveled form with satisfaction. "I don't suppose you'd care for a swim?"
You stare up at him mutely, incomprehension and fury warring within. How dare he torment you so? How dare he stop?
(display: "watersLovely")He steps closer, lifts the blade from your unresisting fingers. "This isn't the first time I've defeated you, Highness. Perhaps it's time I claimed the spoils of victory."
[["Fine, you can have my share of rabbit." ->rabbitShare]]
[["Perhaps it is." ->perhaps]]"You have no idea how happy that makes me, Highness." His eyes are black with hunger, and his scar twists in a merciless snarl; inadvertently, you step backward.
He leaps toward you, and with a flick of his wrist twists the blade from your hand. You turn to run, but his free hand snags in your shirt front, spinning you to face him. He pulls you close, so close you can feel the warmth radiating off his lean torso, and taste the savor of his sweat.
"Should I offer you mercy again, Highness?"
Trapped by his bleak, avid gaze, you cannot reply.
"There's no need to answer. I don't intend to." His snarl morphs into a vicious grin as he shoves you backward.
You land on your back on soft grass. Andreas stands over you, one foot on your chest, touching your blade to your throat.
"No... I think it's time I claimed the spoils of victory."
[["Fine, you can have my share of rabbit." ->rabbitShare]]
[["Perhaps it is." ->perhaps]]"What do I want?" His eyes soften. "Oh, so many things! But right now, in this moment, there is one craving so deep I can barely breathe for dreaming of it."
As he speaks, he tosses your sword aside. He gazes urgently into your eyes, so close you can feel the warmth of his breath.
(display: "swim")Andreas sighs. "If you did not own my soul, Princess, I would teach you a hard lesson for this cruelty." He tosses your sword aside.
(display: "watersLovely")And then he grins again. "But just for your information, Highness, the water's lovely."
He saunters away. You watch his muscular back descend the riverbank, noting a row of pale, parallel scars; the mark of a flogging?
He dives with barely a ripple, and comes up gleaming, sleek as a seal and grinning from ear to ear. "Are you sure you won't join me? It's most refreshing."
[[Swim with Andreas. ->struggleAndreas]]
[["No, thank you. I think I'd better help Tertia with Rain." ->notSwim]](set: $settings to StrayHeirs["settings"])<script>window.StrayHeirs.applyStyle();</script>
(if: $canundo)[
(if: $settings's darkmode is 1)[(link-undo:'<img alt="Undo" src="arrow3.png"/>')](else:)[(link-undo:'<img alt="Undo" src="arrow3dark.png"/>')]
(if: $settings's darkmode is 1)[(link: '<img src="settings.png" alt="Info & Settings" />')[(goto:"otherInfo")]](else:)[(link: '<img src="settingsdark.png" alt="Info & Settings" />')[(goto:"otherInfo")]]](else:)[(set: $canundo to true)]Frog blushes crimson at this, and seems momentarily unable to respond. You stare at him, uncertain why that particular statement should provoke such sudden confusion.
It's Andreas who replies, carefully. "I'm sure Frog intended no insult, Seline."
[["I'm not insulted, but why is everyone so weird about this?" ->whyWeird]]
[["It's okay. I'm just tired of all these rumours and myths. Can't people just treat me as a normal person?" ->normal]]"Highness, I can only apologise. You are right, we should give no credence to old rumours." Frog's amber eyes brim with sincerity. "My words were poorly chosen."
[["Okay... Anyhow, there must be some way to break the spell permanently." ->howBreakSpell]]
[["It's okay, Frog." ->tryRemedy]]"Indeed, that is the least you should expect." Frog's amber eyes brim with sincerity. "Highness, I apologise. My words were poorly chosen, and I can see the hurt they have caused. I will strive to do better."
[["Okay... Anyhow, there must be some way to break the spell permanently." ->howBreakSpell]]
[["It's okay, Frog." ->tryRemedy]]{
(if: $recap is 1)[*As they fled through the Twisted Forest, Seline asked Rain to marry her to save their kingdoms. While hesitating over this, Rain was captured by a mind-controlling predatory tree. Andreas and Tertia arrived, led by the russet dog, who transformed into the mysterious knight who helped Seline before. They escaped the tree together, but Rain's addiction to the tree's hallucinogenic sap must still be cured.*
<p style="color:red">Skills: Deceive (print: ($data's deceive/10).toFixed(1)) | Persuade (print: ($data's persuade/10).toFixed(1)) | Charm (print: ($data's charm/10).toFixed(1)) | Will (print: ($data's will/10).toFixed(1)) | Fight (print: ($data's fight/10).toFixed(1)) </p style><p style="color:red">Relationships: Tertia (print: ($data's likesT/10).toFixed(1)) | Andreas (print: ($data's likesA/10).toFixed(1)) | Rain (print: ($data's likesR/10).toFixed(1)) | Nyora (print: ($data's likesN/10).toFixed(1)) | Frog (print: ($data's likesM/10).toFixed(1)) | Kiaru (print: ($data's likesK/10).toFixed(1)) </p style>
(link: "Show recap")[
(set: $recap to 1)
(replace: ?recap)[(display: "recap")]
}(if: $skill_name is "Deceive")[(set: $ability to $data's deceive/10)](elseif: $skill_name is "Fight")[(set: $ability to $data's fight/10)](elseif: $skill_name is "Charm")[(set: $ability to $data's charm/10)](elseif: $skill_name is "Will")[(set: $ability to $data's will/10)](elseif: $skill_name is "Persuade")[(set: $ability to $data's persuade/10)](else:)[Error: unknown skill] $skill_name (Skill $ability)(set: $show_roll_details to 0)(set: $roll to $randarray's ($array_position))(set: $array_position to it + 1)(set: $total to (num: ($ability + $roll).toFixed(1)))(set: $difficulty to (num:($difficulty.toFixed(1))))(set: $recorded_difficulty to $difficulty)(set: $recorded_ability to $ability)(set: $recorded_skill_name to $skill_name)(if: $roll is 20)[(set: $success to true)Success!](elseif: $roll is 1)[(set: $success to false)Failure :(](elseif: $total >= $difficulty)[(set: $success to true)Success!](else:)[(set: $success to false)Failure :(] |roll_details>[(display: "Roll_details")]{
(if: $settings's censored is 0)[shown.
(link: "Hide them?")[
(set: $settings's censored to 1)
(replace: ?button)[(display: "Button")]
<script>window.StrayHeirs.settings["censored"] = 0;</script>
(link: "Show them?")[
(set: $settings's censored to 0)
(replace: ?button)[(display: "Button")]
<script>window.StrayHeirs.settings["censored"] = 1;</script>
}(set: $canundo to false)
###Info & Settings
* **Undo**: Use the link at the bottom. Don't use your browser's back button. To change a choice in an earlier chapter, you need to redo that chapter *and* any subsequent ones.
* **Skills**: Some choices can succeed or fail. You succeed if your skill + a D20 roll exceeds the difficulty of the choice, with automatic success/failure on a roll of 20/1 respectively. Skills increase with use.
* **Relationships**: Relationships can affect the difficulty of skill-based choices.
* **Endings**: The story has up to 20 chapters and a variety of endings. All major endings remain accessible until Chapter 16, after which the story diverges.
####Your data
* **Storage**: Local storage is used only to transfer data between chapters. If you change browsers or delete your browser history you will start over.
* **Privacy**: No personal data returns to the server.
* **Content**: Sex scenes are |button>[(display: "Button")]
* **Display**: |modeButton>[(display: "DarkModeButton")]
* **Font**: |fontButton>[(display: "FontSizeButtons")]
(print: "<a href=\"../index.html\">Go to Contents Page</a>")(set: $settings to StrayHeirs["settings"])<script>window.StrayHeirs.applyStyle();</script>
(if: $settings's darkmode is 1)[(link-undo:'<img alt="Undo" src="arrow3.png"/>')](else:)[(link-undo:'<img alt="Undo" src="arrow3dark.png"/>')](set: $data to StrayHeirs["datastore"])(set: $settings to StrayHeirs["settings"])(set: $canundo to false)(set: $array_position to 1)(set: $randarray to (a:(random: 1,20),(random: 1,20),(random: 1,20),(random: 1,20),(random: 1,20),(random: 1,20),(random: 1,20),(random: 1,20),(random: 1,20),(random: 1,20),(random: 1,20),(random: 1,20)))<script>window.StrayHeirs.applyStyle();</script><p style="color:red">Skills: Deceive (print: ($data's deceive/10).toFixed(1)) | Persuade (print: ($data's persuade/10).toFixed(1)) | Charm (print: ($data's charm/10).toFixed(1)) | Will (print: ($data's will/10).toFixed(1)) | Fight (print: ($data's fight/10).toFixed(1)) </p style><p style="color:red">Relationships: Tertia (print: ($data's likesT/10).toFixed(1)) | Andreas (print: ($data's likesA/10).toFixed(1)) | Rain (print: ($data's likesR/10).toFixed(1)) | Nyora (print: ($data's likesN/10).toFixed(1)) | Kiaru (print: ($data's likesK/10).toFixed(1)) </p style>(display: "dice")(set: $data's deceive to it + 1)
(if: $success is true)[She blushes at your indignation. "Se.. Seline, I didn't - I'm sorry. I misread the situation - oh, why am I so stupid? Please, just forget I said anything."](else:)[Tertia casts down her eyes, but you sense her skepticism nonetheless. "Of course you know best, Seline. I shouldn't have said anything."]
[["Indeed. Now, if you'll excuse me..." ->goTertiaAndreas]]
[["No, you did the right thing in being honest with me. I appreciate your thoughts, Tertia, even if I don't agree with them." ->thankTertia]]{
(if: $settings's darkmode is 0)[
(link: "Switch to dark mode?")[
(set: $settings's darkmode to 1)
(replace: ?modeButton)[(display: "DarkModeButton")]
<script>window.StrayHeirs.settings["darkmode"] = 0;</script>
(link: "Switch to light mode?")[
(set: $settings's darkmode to 0)
(replace: ?modeButton)[(display: "DarkModeButton")]
<script>window.StrayHeirs.settings["darkmode"] = 1;</script>
}{ (set: $fontsize to $settings's fontsize)
(if: $fontsize > 0)[
<span style="font-size: 150%">(link: "↓")[
(set: $settings's fontsize to it - 1)
(replace: ?fontButton)[(display: "FontSizeButtons")]
] size
(if: $fontsize < 6)[
<span style="font-size: 150%">(link: "↑")[
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<script>window.StrayHeirs.saveSettings();</script>}"Did she?" A flicker of surprise in the dark eyes. "I wonder what she must have felt toward you, then. She has her own sense of honor, certainly, but it's a deeply twisted one." (set: $toldANSaved to 1)
[["Do you think there's any way to change her mind?" ->changeMind]]
[["I don't understand. How does she think she can become Queen?" ->howQueen]]